Nadege you can not defend aristid. even those closer to him...
Ass says...
nadege you can not defend aristid.
even those closer to him know that he was a leader in the drug dealing cocktail.
I do not go to haiti for the past 11 years because of aristide.
I went to haiti if you can remimber when there was a story of the old military try to take over and they killed some police.
Aristide was the base of the trick.
He was talking care of his drug problem and held responsible for the killing.
I was in the street with my 5 years old then and they pull gun on us. since then I never go back to haiti.
aristid open account in over seas bank under his mother's name, his 2 daughters already millionnaire with appreximately over 100 millions each. he has his hands in the blood of so many good devouted haitian.
do not defend this neg okay except if you come from okay
The topic is: Haiti: Aristide Should Return Stolen 350 million
This is a reply to Msg 19308
Posted by Ass on April 3 2010 at 1:12 AM
Messages in this topic
We should be able to get back the 600 million stolen by Duvalier during 14 years in power. Jean Bertrand Aristide stole 350 million in nine years. That's an abomination. When I read the two official corruption reports on both Duvalier and Aristide I
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Marlene Paul, 9-Feb-10 1:26 am
People who denied that Aristide did not steal, are in denial or are stupid. or are in the same team that were dealing drugs with aristide and the Columbians.
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Caroline, 2-Apr-10 7:40 pm
nadege you can not defend aristid. even those closer to him know that he was a leader in the drug dealing cocktail. I do not go to haiti for the past 11 years because of aristide. I went to haiti if you can remimber when there was a story of the old
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Ass, 3-Apr-10 1:12 am
I am siding with Nadege. Aristide is not a thief.The Americans,the Canadians and the French are the ones that are spreading negative rumors about him to assassinate his character after he told them that Haiti belongs to all Haitians not to the elites
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Nadege S Friend In Aristi, 3-Apr-10 1:29 am
2 Questions for Nadege: 1. What is the salary of a president in Haiti? 2. Based on that, how did Aristide make his millions? Please keep some credibility when you are answering by not calling people names. Thanks
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Steve, 14-Feb-11 9:10 am
Aristide made his millions through his 5 book sales and generous contributions for his charitable organization. Aristide had received money through the Haitian elites to promote his charitable organization causes in Haiti. Aristide has not stolen any
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Petrus From Uc, 14-Feb-11 2:45 pm
Let's put things in perspective. Edwidge Dandicat is an internationally known Haitian writer with a few well known books to her name and she is not a multi millionaire. Arisitde wrote some obscure boo
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Steve, 14-Feb-11 5:04 pm
Until now, his foundation is working and he is the one supporting it where he is in South Africa. What did you do under Aristide or after him to help those unfortunate in Haiti? I believe that you have done anything unless using your big mouth to cri
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Monique Rodrigue, 14-Feb-11 8:24 pm