good opportunity for new leadership

K. Rene says...

after almost ten years of governing haiti as president and a couple of years as prime minister, hatians should say thanks to mr prevalfor his's time for new blood, new motivators.

we can't build a new hati with this government as starters they must go. enough is enough!HATIANS PLEASE DEMAMD ELECTIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IT'S A MUST !!!! WE MUST START FROM SCRATCH.

Posted by K. Rene on April 1 2010 at 12:16 PM

Messages in this topic

He is a smooth operator.He does not rock the boat.He keeps everybody halfway happy.So he must stay for the next 30 years.It is too bad for those that don't like it. > >
Robert Toutpuissant, 1-Apr-10 1:40 pm
What did get you get from the Haitian elections? Did Haiti get better with those past fraudulous elections? Did those elections alleviate or eliminate Haitians' sufferings? Did we get good laws coming from the results of those elections? How many mo > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 1-Apr-10 2:22 pm
Be patient and avoid political chaos in Haiti. His days are numbered and we know it. He will leave soon, but we must work hard to prevent another puppet to swear in. What are your thoughts about administrative reforms in Haiti? Can we free the new pr > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 1-Apr-10 2:41 pm
sorry mr i am not a mulatto and not defending bad most educated haitians in the past wanted to be engineers, doctors, lawyers, politicians not entrpenor we were not bussiness oriented so the mulattos took advantages black haitians with polit > >
K Rene, 1-Apr-10 6:12 pm
admistrative reforms in haiti is necessary the prime minister system does not work.the executive and the legislative might work better.a presidentand a vice president may team up better my personal opinion > >
K.rene, 2-Apr-10 6:24 am
K.rene, I strongly second that suggestion. I had been talking about that nonsense "prime minister government system" in Haiti for as long as I can remember. This form of government does not reflect the Haitian people concept of government. It > >
Tiba, 2-Apr-10 8:19 am