A Haitian clerk who works in my precinct asked me for advice

A Haitian clerk who works in my precinct asked me for advice this morning regarding your incitement to violence.

She gave me the name of the blog and your nick name. After I check a few sample of your diatribe on Preval blog, I conclude that you violated states and federal laws. There are legal remedies, however, when hate speech crosses the line into threats and intimidation.

Under the law, threats are not protected under the First Amendment.

This applies to threats involving racial epithets or those motivated by racial animus.

A threatening private message sent over the Internet to a victim, or even a public message displayed on a web site describing intent to commit acts of racially motivated violence, can be prosecuted under the law. While hate speech online is not in itself punishable, it may provide evidence of motive in a hate crime case.
I am ordering you to cease and desist your hate speeches immediately.

Failure to follow this advice will leads to your arrest, prosecution and stiff fines.

The topic is: Gwo Lorbeyyy! Clinton' s office in Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 20926
Posted by A. V. Williams on March 31 2010 at 9:14 PM