Abnormalies in Mireille Duvivier chromosomes

Dr. Feel Bad says...

Mireille Duvivier inherited some recessive gorilla chromosomes, according to a lab technician.She tends to see Haiti as a jungle when the gorilla chromosomes become apparent periodically in her body. This is a serious problem.

Unpredictability and violence are not uncommon in such cases as she tends to oscillate between human and animal.

I advise all Haitian to stay away from her until further notice.

Upon my return I will do her full evaluation if she could revert to the human mode.

Dr. Feel Bad
Self appointed Psychiatrist in chief on this blog

Posted by Dr. Feel Bad on March 31 2010 at 3:07 AM

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Elementary mudslinging! Certainly a Prevalist with an I.Q. smaller than your shoe size! > >
1kamoken, 31-Mar-10 6:06 pm
This is for your information. This might improve your IQ. If you are unable to read and comprehend the text, let me know.I will send you a fifth grader to explain it to you. > >
Long Time Persistency, 31-Mar-10 9:36 pm
Isn't it interesting that Troglodytes like you find all the theories to support your Atheist bullshit that you try to shove down the throats of well-meaning people, but now you have the audacity to flare your moronic nostrils at me. Putz, show me on > >
1kamoken, 1-Apr-10 2:52 pm
I understand that you have communication problem that might be genetic bound. I want to come Wed April 7th at Kings County Hospital G building,ask security for john's office. The interview will be centered on your family history. This will be crucia > >
Darwin, 2-Apr-10 9:21 am
For your info MORON, my father was a judge and law professor in Haiti and my mother a school inspector countrywide. In those days there were a heck of a lot more Haitians who could read and write (but you would not know....you had not come down the m > >
1kamoken, 6-Apr-10 1:17 pm
To 1kamoken aka la belle Mireille. What your father and mother education have to do with your intrinsic value, your intellectual might and your ability to write clearly and concisely. What bearing your father and your mother profession and posit > >
Dr. Feel Bad, 7-Apr-10 2:10 am
First learn how to write English, French and Creole/Kreyol first, then let's have a rational exchange. I do, however, find you very, very amusing and somewhat amateurish! > >
1kamoken, 7-Apr-10 8:32 pm
Congratulation, I am promoting you at your level of incompetence tonight. Why you continues to burying yourself even in deeper blunders. Your reply clearly demonstrates that you cannot help those in need. How do you expect to curb illiteracy in > >
Dr. Feel Bad, 7-Apr-10 10:58 pm
Brother, you need help! Try one of these weird Hindu cults..... that might do it. > >
1kamoken, 8-Apr-10 5:27 pm
4/7/2010 Dear 1KAMOKEN, Ms. Toulumin Doubout, my Executive Secretary informed me today that you declined your current position as a Self appointed Grammarian and Linguist because you have an extended family emergency. I understand the stress > >
Dr. Feel Bad, 9-Apr-10 11:56 pm
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