Why don't you shut up your stinky mouth if you have nothing

Why don't you shut up your stinky mouth if you have nothing better to say. As a mulatto trouble maker you should have rolled up your tongue several times before you attack his personnality.

Why don't you go in the Amazonie jungle where you belong.

Clinton is not in Haiti to liberate you as a free crook mulato merchant person, but to liberate the Haitian masses from colonization of your mulatto fathers.

They will be liberated and your mulatto fathers will stop stealing Haitian public funds from the mulatto technocrats inside the Haitian administration.

Stupid asshole, I am forwarding your mail to both CIA and FBI for further analysis.

Wait and you will see what's next...Jack Ass!

The topic is: Gwo Lorbeyyy! Clinton' s office in Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 20907
Posted by Dessalines The Avenger on March 30 2010 at 5:43 PM