So Paul Magloire should be busy treating the affected patients...
Djacout says...
So Paul Magloire should be busy treating the affected patients in Haiti instead of writing graffiti on this blog.
The topic is: A MINUSTAH Just Arrived in Haiti With Swine Flu
This is a reply to Msg 15727
Posted by Djacout on March 25 2010 at 11:37 AM
Messages in this topic
United Nations mission in Haiti is a total catastrophe. It failed to screen its soldiers before sending them to Haiti. By now, they must set their timetable of their removal. It must not be long. The Great King is coming The Dark Knight > >
The Dark Knight, 15-Jul-09 11:08 am
Source: Radio Metropole Haiti grippe AH1N1 : une dizaine de personnes Testees positifs De nouveaux cas de grippe porcine ont ete decouvert en Haiti informe le ministre de la sante publique.Pour l'instant le nombre de > >
The Dark Knight, 17-Aug-09 10:45 am
Yes, They did it. It was intentional. President Rene Garcia Preval was well aware of that shameful-deadly conspiracy against Haitian peole. President Rene Garcia Preval Extended the mandate of that M I N U S T A H. And President Rene Garcia Preval wa > >
Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, 25-Mar-10 9:40 am
So Paul Magloire should be busy treating the affected patients in Haiti instead of writing graffiti on this blog. > >
Djacout, 25-Mar-10 11:37 am