If Elizabeth Delatour married Preval who is an alcoholic...
Caroline says...
If Elizabeth Delatour married Preval who is an alcoholic, incompetent, she knows what she wants.
She is just like Michelle Bennett and Mildred Aristide..
It is all about money and power, They have no dignity.
We have to watch that Elizabeth Delatour very closely.
This is a reply to Msg 9012
Posted by Caroline on March 24 2010 at 11:17 PM
Messages in this topic
Hello again Linda I realize I sort of went on and on about beauty. But the truth is some of the things that attracts me to a woman is her strength, her intelligence her education. I like a woman who's well-informed also I can be a little head strong > >
Zac, 9-Dec-09 10:44 am
Hi Zac, I think I'm a few years too old for you. I know this because you are just starting school and I graduated about nine years ago. But I know there's a supper nice girl out there with your name on her heart. > >
Linda, 9-Dec-09 12:07 pm
Good morning Linda, first let me just say that age is just a number and besides I'll be 23 next may. It's not that big of a deal a lot of women are dating younger guys nowadays, look at Halle Berry, Mariah Carey and Demi Moore. In fact in one of my > >
Zac, 11-Dec-09 6:54 am
How said I feel for all the people that still have issues with the color of people's skin within their own race. Preval may be all that you say he is, but your first lady is an intelligent and caring person,and should not be judged by the color of h > >
Sami, 23-Jan-10 7:31 pm
What you just said reflects the emptiness of your mind.. Tantine > >
Tantine, 30-Jan-10 10:05 pm
Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom. > >
Sami, 4-Mar-10 2:09 pm
If Elizabeth Delatour married Preval who is an alcoholic, incompetent, she knows what she wants. She is just like Michelle Bennett and Mildred Aristide.. It is all about money and power, They have no dignity. We have to watch that Elizabeth Delatou > >
Caroline, 24-Mar-10 11:17 pm
All those baseless accusations including the pictures are projection of Selondieu's life on President Preval. Envy and jaleousy are at the root of his anxiety and projection. Since Selondieu failed to accomplish similar goals,he has recourse to nega > >
Dr. Feel Bad, 25-Mar-10 12:17 am