Haitian Elites Should Be Thrown In The Garbage of History

Rosemene says...

Posted by Rosemene on March 21 2010 at 1:34 PM

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I am not Christian anymore, but I still carry my previous Christian faith with me. In my fight to liberate Haiti I am trying to motivate my group to avoid any bloodshed. In the days ahead I will submit my plan to the United Nations for a middleground > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 25-Mar-10 12:59 am
I will save of them for you, but the mulatto merchants will not like that. Mulatto women are under pressure and they can not marry dark skin males even they want to. The mulatto merchants will kill them if they try to marry any dark skin Haitians. I > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 25-Mar-10 1:27 am
You missed the point because you misread Lucky Feliciano poster. He said said that he will put the mulatresse women on his harem so he and his friends could have good time with them. Some psychologists talk about penny envy about some women. In you > >
Dr. Feel Bad, 25-Mar-10 8:31 am
Stupid I cannot envy mulatto women. My posting was to clarify the race issue in Haiti and not to argue that I want or hate mulatto women. It is a shame to argue with a first grader mentality person like you. You are not making any good argumentations > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 25-Mar-10 12:09 pm
I hope they will change before we throw them in the garbage. Les Arabes disent qu'ils vont changer de tactique ainsi il ne faut les jeter dans les pourbelles ok... > >
Michoue, 16-Apr-10 2:11 am
Haiti's market are wide opened with the lowest tariff on agricultural goods and lowest wages in the Hemisphere. Haitian puppet government Preval privatized everything his masters told him to privatize. Haitian state is broke and have the lowest sou > >
Martha, 27-Apr-10 6:29 pm
That is just another tactic to stall any progress. Why should we have to hang around and wait for them to change? They want to make money why don't they go elsewhere. I am for putting all the settlers on a plane and out of Haiti. I know i am dre > >
Martha, 27-Apr-10 6:38 pm
Let us reserve the name elite to those who earned it/deserve it. Whatever economic status these folks enjoyed is thru the parasitic grip they have on the vast majority of the Haitian people. Futhermore, they are not intellectually superior to the r > >
Martha, 27-Apr-10 9:06 pm
The word elite means the best or the most skilled members of a group in a given field. The intellectual elite is not necessary the commercial elite and so on. The sharp shooter or "franc tireurs" are an elite corp within the police force or the mi > >
Dr. Feel Bad, 27-Apr-10 10:30 pm
Correction regarding the cardiologists:*** The word elite means the best or the most skilled members of a group in a given field. The intellectual elite is not necessary the commercial elite and so on. > >
Dr. Feel Bad, 27-Apr-10 10:35 pm
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