Haitian Elites Should Be Thrown In The Garbage of History
Rosemene says...
I was happy to read this note from Decimus.
They are all dirty pigs and crooks.
I agree those settlers such as Mews, Brandt, Saliba (Asalib), Castera (Castra), Biggio, Vorbes, Flambert, Baker, Brown, Baussan, Delatour and others should be thrown in the garbage of history like Saddham Hussein.
Yon elit kaka, kap fe yo avili yon peyi ak move imaj e ki fe yo imilye tout Ayisyen dwe jete nan twalet kaka. Malpropte sa yo pa wont kote ya itilize sevis nan airport nan Santo-Domengo olye yo kreye bel airport an Ayiti.
Kaka sa yo pa Warren Buffet, Rockfeller, Bill Gates ak lot moun rich nan peyi Etazini.
Nou dwe revolte kont kaka sa yo e pase ak yon vites siperye.
Se pou tout Mulashit sa yo ale...
Posted by Rosemene on March 21 2010 at 1:34 PM
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Ou vle Mulatre lan alle - ki kote para example ou koue ke li doue aller. Wheat ever these famous or infamous did to the country but It is not in the name of all Mulattoes. I am sure there are black elites in Haiti. Not everything in Haiti wrong is th > >
Bernadete S., 22-Mar-10 11:11 pm
You are mentally retarded in Haitian politics and you will never understand that a country cannot develop if its elites do not want it to be developed. The infamous elites of Haiti are not only mulattoes, but mulattoes occupy a large share of Haiti' > >
Mireille, 23-Mar-10 2:22 am
There you go again with your insults. You just can't help it, can you? And don't tell me that I am the one who started it. Raw insults? I don't think. I go to the gutters ONLY if I truly have to... Haiti has many different layers of failures on s > >
Bernadete S., 23-Mar-10 2:36 pm
You have made pretty good analyses in this posting and that shows that you do understand a little bit Haitian politics. First, I would like to rectify for you not all countries' elites are necessary evil as you claimed it. The Haitian elites are not > >
Pierre M. Leblanc, 23-Mar-10 5:29 pm
From what I understood in historical evolutionary teaching methods. Haiti has gone through quite a few methods. None so far worked perfectly. The bilingual method-use are similar to the one used in the States with children whose English is not their > >
Bernadete S., 23-Mar-10 10:37 pm
As a member the upper class, it is very difficult for you to blame them and I can understand it. All elites play a great role in the shaping of their countries when they have no other countries to go hiding. We have a bourgeoisie that considers Haiti > >
Lambert, 24-Mar-10 12:50 am
I am not from the upper class - Let me repeat, I consider myself from the middle class. My maternal grand father was seriously upper class, but he gambled the family fortune away.Anyway its all here and there - It does not matter. It seems like your > >
Bernadete S., 24-Mar-10 9:54 am
It is time to end all suffering in Haiti. Haitian elites are blood suckers and they like easy money. They are only selling services at high prices. Haiti has a lot of opportunities, but those crooks don't see the need to seize those opportunities. T > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 24-Mar-10 12:26 pm
O.k., O.K You do have some valid concerns and very good points. But you can't address all the problems at the same time. This is not too realistic...The international community can't agree with you on what I think you are talking about as it goes a > >
Bernadete S., 24-Mar-10 9:45 pm
Don't throw all of them in the garbage. Save the women for me. The elite have some very nice looking women that I could add in my harem. My friends and I could have very good time with them. > >
Lucky Luciano, 25-Mar-10 12:32 am