This is what happened when black get money in their pockets...

Linglinsou says...

This is what happened when black get money in their pockets.

They waste it.
1-They buy expensive clothes & shoes
2-They buy expensive jewelries, gold,diamond
3-They buy expensive houses
4-They buy expensive furnitures
6-They no longer eat mais moulin ou pitimi ak zaboca.

They go to expensive rstaurants like au crock fin.
5-They look for mistresses mostly second hands or N hands mulatresses like bernadette avec minuscule b. The desperadoes just stop a taxi and go to the nearest cafee with a bag of money and beg a Dominican bouzin to marry him right away. I am talking only about the Dominican women that lives in Haitian Cafees.

Most Dominican women are faithful to their husband.

Trust me.
6-They buy Mercedes Benz and other expensive cars.
7-They spend the money in Barbamcourt and expensive alcohol and drugs.

Consequence.Before they know it, the money is gone, evaporated,amen.They second hand or 10,000 hands mulatresses disappeared conveniently on them.
This is the patters from the less educated to the highly educated of most Haitians: Paul Eugene Magloire[raped Dadaglanis], Lukner Cambrone, Jean Claude Duvalier and his friends all have done the same thing: Take money in the Haitian cookie jar and spend it for their personal pleasure.

This is my point: Haitian cannot manage money too well. This is why Clinton is going to entrust the money with people who have good track records with money.

So he knows the money will be in good hands and those people will be accountable for every penny spent.

Entrusting the money with typical Haitian will leads to a litany of investigations until the next two century.

Prevenir vaut mier que mouri red, if you know what I meant.

I hope Clinton will keep Preval for the next 30 years.

We will outshine all the countries in the Caribbean.

Do not reply to this blog because it is a definite assessment of a well known situation in Haiti.

This is a plain true.

The topic is: Bill Clinton and Haiti's Syrian/Lebanon Elites
This is a reply to Msg 19405
Posted by Linglinsou on March 20 2010 at 7:22 PM

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We need a revolution, soon. True Haitians must start to sharpen their machetes. The scum elite must be burned alive on Champs-de-Mars, for all to see. We need a new, Louverturian Revolution. > >
Capois La Mort, 17-Feb-10 4:26 pm
Another nigger just got bought for a piece of bread. I hope you demanded for some peanut butter on that little piece of bread you got bought for, traitor. Don't forget to accumulate saliva in your mouth to drink with that piece of bread, scum. > >
Capois La Mort, 17-Feb-10 4:32 pm
Machetes? noway brother. 12 gauge shotguns will do,but we nee to start by taking them one by one. > >
Siafu, 17-Feb-10 6:35 pm
Machetes are NO match for these guys' machine guns. > >
Janjan, 20-Mar-10 6:09 pm
This is what happened when black get money in their pockets. They waste it. 1-They buy expensive clothes & shoes 2-They buy expensive jewelries,gold,diamond 3-They buy expensive houses 4-They buy expensive furnitures 6-They no longer eat mais mo > >
Linglinsou, 20-Mar-10 7:22 pm
This is Haitian politic as usual. In absence of good logical and progressive arguments to truly push Haiti forward. Some of you guys would rather keep repeating the same crap over endlessly....., the same old arguments. Most likely you will repeat th > >
Bernadete S., 20-Mar-10 10:35 pm
I read what another blogger said about you.When I put 2 and 2 together I think I spoke to you briefly last year at a meeting. You are a trash mulattoe that will do anything to move up even-though you are in your mid 50's.You always looking for black > >
Linglinsou, 21-Mar-10 1:28 am
Last reply -- for curiosity sake -- What meeting was that and for what occasion!! Now, I know you are CRAZY, I was not even in the States last year. I know that I can't be in two continents at the same time. Why are those empty threats? You never m > >
Bernadete S., 21-Mar-10 4:06 pm
Bernadette, Shut the F up. Go back to your own little "bourgeois" clan. Leave your snobbery at the door when you come to this site. Biatch! > >
Pimanbouk, 21-Mar-10 8:02 pm
Look that is the 3rd threat that I received from you people. You said very clearly:"I will take care of thou bitch" This is a direct threat. I placed 2 calls to my favorite lawyers already: Allen Lippmann, Esq., and David Russell, Esq and both agre > >
Bernadete S., 22-Mar-10 11:59 am
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