L'Agenda Cache Derriere Le Seisme: Homosexualite et Maladies

Paulette says...

Posted by Paulette on March 7 2010 at 12:59 PM

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Bob, Can you please shut the hell up. Who cares the American military left Haiti? Since when the Americans use to do anything good for Haiti after all Haiti has done for the United States? The United States is the only country on the planet with n > >
Tiba, 8-Mar-10 9:45 am
I think it was funny right below your anti U.S. post was ad for people to get green card to enter U.S. and while Haitians continue to try to sneak into U.S. it will do you little good as U.S. has 17 million people unemployed and we know of Haitian cr > >
Bob, 8-Mar-10 12:16 pm
Bob You said "we know of Haitian criminals like the one who murdered five American children then caught a plane to Haiti and let us pray to God he was smashed in the recent earthquake." Are you referring to those 7 American criminals/mercenar > >
Tiba, 8-Mar-10 2:21 pm
Ahhh! Ok! Envoie-moi ton numero, ton nom et ton prenom, je te donnerai une recommandation pour un visa americain. Mais la seule chose, quand tu seras arrive, ne deviens pas un homosexuel. > >
Kiki, 8-Mar-10 5:18 pm
If you sooooooooo strongly believed in what you are saying, as ridiculous as that may be. WHY are you screaming and calling others names. You can still make a point WITHOUT verbal abuse. You see, It is not common knowledge yet that extra chromosomes > >
Bernadette S., 8-Mar-10 9:40 pm
Hi Tiba, I'm so sorry you got stood up. If I wasn't already taken, I would make sure we met one day and then I would ask you on a date. I'm sure some really nice girl is out there with your name written on her heart. About these two (maybe just > >
Linda, 8-Mar-10 9:41 pm
WOW! Putain, mais que fumes-tu? > >
Janjan, 8-Mar-10 11:28 pm
You are gay. Je suis une putaine heterosexuelle. Maudit trou de Q. Massissi > >
Carline, 9-Mar-10 2:47 am
Did you get treatment for your aids disease? I feel deeply sorry for you. Take your pills as suggested maybe one day who knows they may find a cure for you. It is sad... > >
Marie-ange, 9-Mar-10 2:58 am
Reponds a la question posee, imbecile: qu'est-ce que tu fumes? > >
Janjan, 10-Mar-10 9:58 pm
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