Actually we need all countries to help and Haitians cannot do...

Mireille says...

Actually we need all countries to help and Haitians cannot do alone those tasks.

I have detected an hidden division agenda to please the European countries while denouncing the North American countries' contribution with the reconstruction plan in Haiti.

However, Haiti is an independent country and it cannot become a colony of any country whether it is in the U.S. Westerm Hemisphere or throughout the European continent.

The international community and Haitian local elites are responsible for Haiti's mismanagement, corruption as well as man-made destruction.

They should all help Haiti and Haitians should benefit of their expertise to rebuild and lead again...

The topic is: Developing a comprehensive development plan for Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 20147
Posted by Mireille on March 7 2010 at 12:22 PM

Messages in this topic

Actually we need all countries to help and Haitians cannot do alone those tasks. I have detected an hidden division agenda to please the European countries while denouncing the North American countries' contribution with the reconstruction plan in H > >
Mireille, 7-Mar-10 12:22 pm
I am not suggesting that Haiti should develop these plans alone just that the Haitian people take ownership of them and make sure they are developed in a comprehensive way. This would involve all the sectors not just the government and aid agencies. > >
Robert Muir, 7-Mar-10 1:47 pm
Now I understand you and we can work together. Haitians need to be intelligents to understand the conspiracy blame-game of the international community and our local elites if they want to move forward. They are accomplices in Haiti's misery and suff > >
Mr. Lambert, 7-Mar-10 3:29 pm
Sorry, Mr. Lambert: "Maringwen ap vole, nou pa kon ni sa-k mal, ni sa-k femel." We will not blindly accept everybody. The current Haitian Administration (of President Rene Garcia Preval and his Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive) is putting in pl > >
Benoit T. Battraville, 8-Mar-10 6:06 am