This is wonderful while the rest of the World suffers...

Jean Gerard Rhau says...

This is wonderful while the rest of the World suffers recession in most parts, Haiti is debt free, only the Almighty God can do that in such a way that it is unique.

I congratulate ONE for such efforts in releiving Human suffering throughout the world.Bravo, all other NGO should take notes...

I am Bishop Jean Gerard Rhau, in Mission in Haiti and Dominican Republic.

I thank God and all the Organizations and Countries and kingdoms that came to the RESCUE of HAiti,
God our Creator to whom Haiti now belongs will bless you as He has blessed Abraham, ISAAC and JACOB of the nation of Israel, and all the descendants of Abraham, Ishmael, Esau, Joseph, all the tribes of Israel.

God bless His people throughout the World,
God bless you and God Bless The New Haiti!

The topic is: A big win for Haiti and a message from the ambassador
This is a reply to Msg 20065
Posted by Jean Gerard Rhau on March 7 2010 at 5:36 AM

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If that is true it's indeed a good news for Haiti. But too little too late! for that. This is something that should have been done decades ago. While the United States was forgiving all other countries' debts all over the place, the United State > >
Tiba, 4-Mar-10 6:12 pm
Haiti was forced to pay France for its freedom. When they couldn't afford the ransom, France (and other countries, including the United States) helpfully offered high-interest loans. By 1900, 80% of Haiti's annual budget went to paying off its "re > >
Ude Calvaire, 4-Mar-10 6:24 pm
I can´t even talk about what I feel in this moment for this wonderful gift that the world and specially the American Governor gave to our country Haiti. President Obama the I.H.C.L.E.P.O International Haitian Children Lives & Educations Protection > >
Rubens Pierre, 4-Mar-10 6:30 pm
Haiti was forced to pay France for its freedom. When they couldn't afford the ransom, France (and other countries, including the United States) helpfully offered high-interest loans. By 1900, 80% of Haiti's annual budget went to paying off > >
Ude Calvaire, 4-Mar-10 6:38 pm
Ude Calvaire, 4-Mar-10 6:54 pm
It is time to move forward HAITIANS have been dwelling in the past for the long. The suffering of the Hatians is a reflection of the selfishness, the haitian as I know always have some big theories how things can and should be be done but never a pra > >
Ti Nana Petithome, 4-Mar-10 7:07 pm
That is very good to see how many errs those you have been committed in this very short frase. I wish you to go back school,may be you will understand when peole help you. Why not you didn´t pay the Haiti debts? Do you want to continue stealing my > >
Rubens Pierre, 4-Mar-10 10:11 pm
This is wonderful while the rest of the World suffers recession in most parts, Haiti is debt free, only the Almighty God can do that in such a way that it is unique. I congratulate ONE for such efforts in releiving Human suffering throughout the wor > >
Jean Gerard Rhau, 7-Mar-10 5:36 am
This is the right time for Haiti to take its destiny seriously. Haiti needs good leadership and vision to lead again among the black countries. We were the first black republic to defy European colonialism and eradicate slavery and we were the second > >
Yolande, 7-Mar-10 12:12 pm
I am Marc Andy Donnay,I studied Agronomist,I want to find assistance for helping Haiti,or a grant.I live in Ecuador. > >
Marc Andy Donnay, 8-Mar-10 4:54 pm
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