The cngp means:and the means:If I got good memory I remember...

Jeanrobert Bastien says...

the cngp means:and the means:If I got good memory I remember saying that President Preval should stay in Power until february,7,2011 and be replaced by the cngp or the gsp:we must also admit there is freedom of speech in Haiti and a spirit of tolerance that the regime of Aristide did not have finally put your self at Preval'posture for one minute in your imagination and see how progress could have made in a short time of your presidency starting from 01/12/2010!I don't ask you to agree at 100/100 percent with my opinion but at least let's be realist and see things in a positive way..thanks..from:JeanRobert Bastien Boston, Massachusetts!

The topic is: President Preval won't step down!
This is a reply to Msg 20115
Posted by Jeanrobert Bastien on March 6 2010 at 9:57 AM

Messages in this topic

the cngp means:and the means:If I got good memory I remember saying that President Preval should stay in Power until february,7,2011 and be replaced by the cngp or the gsp:we must also admit there is freedom of speech in Haiti and a spirit of toleran > >
Jeanrobert Bastien, 6-Mar-10 9:57 am
Jeanrobert Bastien, Thanks, man! just as I expected you would do even though I specifically asked you not to. This is exactly a prime example of my frustration and anoyance with some members on this blog which causes them to have a big beef wi > >
Tiba, 6-Mar-10 1:05 pm
I beleive if you go a little bit down on President Preval blog dated 03/6/2010 right after I replied to your first request you will see that responded to your question.Just be patient a look for it..don't tell me that you don't see it posted on fac > >
Jeanrobert Bastien, 6-Mar-10 3:30 pm
My parents used to say "qui veut son respect se le procure." Meaning, that those who want respect should earn it. Preval has never shown any self-respect why on earth should we Haitian show him any. Furthermore, it is our responsibility as Haitian > >
Linda, 6-Mar-10 5:24 pm
Jeanrobert, Jeanrobert, Jeanrobert! you're killing me, man! Your response to my request came in directly to my personal e-mail server, and you did not say anything about neither the request that I made nor the question that I asked you. Yes, a > >
Tiba, 6-Mar-10 7:07 pm
I would venture to say Preval is the worst President of Haiti beside Soulouque not only is incompetent he's impotent, weak, ineffective and have no dream and selfish. Country first resign Preval > >
Antonioj, 6-Mar-10 8:55 pm