"anarchist" is someone who believes in lawlessness and a noun...

Toni says...

"anarchist" is someone who believes in lawlessness and a noun fool.you must say "anarchical," which is an adjective

The topic is: elections presdentielles
This is a reply to Msg 19882
Posted by Toni on February 27 2010 at 8:02 PM

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sir haitians are not all dark skin. the dark skin are those slave who fron Zaire et ses environment.and most of the dark skin haitian are from north of haiti. Since you know that we were colonize by french, american,british, alemagne spain that is w > >
Ash, 23-Feb-10 3:43 am
“Indeed, I blame Haitians for the current state of Haiti, but if you knew anything about Haiti, you would know that the United States alone is responsible for 75% of Haiti's down fall and misfortune. Haiti has been a victim of a conspiracy well... > >
Kiki, 23-Feb-10 10:47 pm
Kiki With you, it seems to me "you damn if you, you damn if you don't." When I blamed the Haitian government, you accused me of stupidity, Haiti hater, and opponent of Haiti's progress, and you get all out of shape when I blamed the white man. W > >
Tiba, 24-Feb-10 7:07 am
It is a waste of time talking to ignorant people. Sometimes they fake not to understand your logical reasoning skills, for they plotting with Haiti's imperialistic destroyer countries and the colored elites of Haiti. They are all the same BS and it i > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 24-Feb-10 11:25 am
Do not blame Haitians, but blame your fellow elites' brothers and the international conspirators. You are scared of blaming your elites, for the money you are given to defend them cannot be returned hein. Who do you think you are fooling, yourself an > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 24-Feb-10 11:31 am
(To Dessalines the Avenger) Your message is a tipical traditional haitian reaction when facing the oposition. Your message reinforce the skeptism about the change in Haiti. Because there can not be change in a country in wich the is no tolerance. On > >
Kiki, 27-Feb-10 7:13 pm
you are an ignorant fool. haitians are hard workers and want to improve. learn how to write first before criticizing haitians. you can barely write English. other nations are paying the haitian government. the government, should i say american's pupp > >
Toni, 27-Feb-10 7:43 pm
Your message is a typical traditional haitian reaction when facing the opposition. Your message reinforces the skeptics about the change in Haiti. Because there can not be change in a country in witch there is no tolerance. Once more time, thro > >
Kiki, 27-Feb-10 7:52 pm
"anarchist" is someone who believes in lawlessness and a noun fool.you must say "anarchical," which is an adjective > >
Toni, 27-Feb-10 8:02 pm
Qu’est ce vous avez fait avec toutes les elections que vous avez eues depuis votre independance? Vous pretextez que Preval n’est pas capable; alors dites moi, qu’avait fait pour le pays le regime des Duvaliers forme des intellectuels venus de... > >
Kiki, 27-Feb-10 8:06 pm
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