La conversation s'arrete la pour month cher Mr ou Madame...
Ginou says...
La conversation s'arrete la pour month cher Mr ou Madame.
Apparament, votre emploi du temps doit etre assez leger, pour ne pas dire non-exxsitant
Veuillez trouver une autre source de distraction, ou enocre une occupation prolifque qui saurait occupe votre temps.
This is a reply to Msg 19516
Posted by Ginou on February 14 2010 at 12:31 AM
Messages in this topic
YOU ARE SOO PITIFUL... THERE ARE NOO WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOU! PEAUX L'ANVE! Vous etes probablement un campagnard n'ayant jamais laisse le village ou vous avez grandi. In fact, you probably just learning about computer use at the village's cyber cafe. > >
Ginou Cyrille, 13-Feb-10 9:22 pm
Ginou, can you tell me why dogs cannot stay close to your pants or skirts? I realize that some friends want to stay away from you too, but listen call Haiti if you can to get some "Permaganate and Indigo" to wash it. They are good in taking away bad > >
Calypso Pinson, 14-Feb-10 12:11 am
Oh Dear... Le chien aboit, la caravane passe...I won't stoop as low as you did... even if I wanted to I wouldn't know how. > >
Ginou, 14-Feb-10 12:18 am
The smell can come out if you buy yourself some permaganat. You cannot see me anymore and it is embarrassing. It should be over... > >
Cal, 14-Feb-10 12:23 am
La conversation s'arrete la pour month cher Mr ou Madame. Apparament, votre emploi du temps doit etre assez leger, pour ne pas dire non-exxsitant. Veuillez trouver une autre source de distraction, ou enocre une occupation prolifque qui saurai > >
Ginou, 14-Feb-10 12:31 am
Haitian wrote: "We were ordered to sign contracts not to free other enslaved colonies in the region and had to agree to pay France for their losses in the sum $150M gold francs *(equivalent of $20b today)." ---------------------------- at Haiti > >
The Dark Knight, 14-Feb-10 5:46 am
Hey, ne vous faites pas d’illusions. Aucun pays africain serieux n’est pret a accueillir les haitiens. Car meme s’ils leur ressemblent, ils ne voudront jamais avoir parmi eux cette espece de gens qui ont fait la honte de toute la race noire. > >
Kiki, 14-Feb-10 8:43 pm
Hello everyone After what I read, > >
Marie, 15-Feb-10 12:07 am
Pease erase from your mind any mental slavery. This is a country that does not tolerate restavek or any souflanchou. It will welcome honest people with good intention to work hard and achieve their dreams. This is one of the most civilized black coun > >
Jocelyne K Lebrun, 5-Mar-10 11:25 pm
My very dear Patry is a PEARL. My Ancestors shed their blood to guarantee that I live in a free and independent country. Bad, selfish national governance, these days, is making it difficult as well as international, wicked to the core criminals who w > >
Carole, 6-Mar-10 1:41 pm