Linda, I certainly thought through all of these potential
I certainly thought through all of these potential variables, but sometimes, extreme situations call for extreme measures.
I don't really think there is a right time to deal with this pressing matter.
And frankly, I feel that if US would take over Haiti right now at least there would be plenty of tents provided to the people to live in, the clean up would start quicker which would provide jobs for many, the reconstruction would start sooner which would provide jobs to many, etc. etc....
And to really be honest with you, I don't care about Haiti being legally occupied once again by any other country as long as that occupying country has the will, the conscience, and the resources to rebuild the country and provide jobs to the majority.
We cannot shut the country down for fear that some kinda the country like the United States is going to occupy us in order to steal Haiti's natural resources.
Remember that the Haitians kicked the Americans out of Haiti in the 1900s, the same way they kicked the French out of Haiti in the 1800s and I am confident the Haitians still can kick the Americans out again this time around if the situation calls for it.
Linda, you seem to forget one very important characteristic about Haitians, and that is they are very hopeful and patient but they can go off in a minute when they get pushed to a corner and when they do, the entire US military power cannot stop them.
The topic is: France: Fernandez comme proxy Préval son satrape.
This is a reply to Msg 19454
Posted by Tiba on February 13 2010 at 8:09 AM