Well said. The purpose is to domesticate the Haitian people...
Nadege says...
Well said.
The purpose is to domesticate the Haitian people who have been resistant for 206 years.
The purpose of MINUSTUH is to dismantle the grassroots LAVALAS movement, and that's why they've been focused in Cite Soleil, where Aristide is very popular.
They've been getting away with murder, but now that the international light is on Haiti, Haitians must seize the opportunity to kick them all out.
The topic is: M I N U S T A H And Preval Are Set Up To Haitians
This is a reply to Msg 19380
Posted by Nadege on February 11 2010 at 1:22 AM
Messages in this topic
Well said. The purpose is to domesticate the Haitian people who have been resistant for 206 years. The purpose of MINUSTUH is to dismantle the grassroots LAVALAS movement, and that's why they've been focused in Cite Soleil, where Aristide is very > >
Nadege, 11-Feb-10 1:22 am
Nadege you have made a pretty good point about the brainwashing of our local elites and the international community to keep Haiti in abject poverty. However, the country is in dire need and we cannot kick them out, for many more will die from that fa > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 11-Feb-10 2:28 am
We were more secure under the so-called dictatorship of the Duvaliers by the United States than today's date under these stupid MINUSTAH and the current Haitian police. MINUSTAH is in Haiti to protect wealth and the lives of the local elites of Haiti > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 11-Feb-10 2:40 am
Well, MINUSTAH and the US troops aren't doing anything in the country other than controlling it. They're not helping the people. Humanitarian workers, on the other hand, are fine. And more Haitians will die regardless because they're vaccinating > >
Nadege, 11-Feb-10 3:16 am