Good morning Mathieu, please don't run, I have come bearing an...
Zac says...
Good morning Mathieu, please don't run, I have come bearing an olive branch.
I really liked this comment that you just posted.
I've given you a hard time for posting things that I didn't agree with. Well to be honest it's not that I didn't agree.
I just thought you were doing Haiti a disservice for blaming mulattoes as the sole reason for Haiti's misery.
Now it's only fair that let you know when I agree with your argument.
First, I like the fact that you said you don't hate mulattoes.
And it's good that you are speaking out against the unjust business practices of the Haitian elite which mulattoes are a great part of.
We know racism exists in Haiti and we know that a few families have virtual control over the Haitian economy.
So I applaud you brother for speaking out. In previous comments your comments were very inflammatory, this comment by contrast was a bit more measured.
You should continue to speak out against injustice at the same time you must address all the other issues.
Because the reality is Haiti's problems are many. Don't pick one and magnify it.
Have a great day Bro!
The topic is: Cessez Des Accusations Non Justifiees
This is a reply to Msg 19171
Posted by Zac on February 5 2010 at 8:09 AM