Do not be discouraged at all Lynda, we have a machismo society...

Mathieu Derisse says...

Do not be discouraged at all Lynda, we have a machismo society to bring dowm for the full respect and good treatments of women in our society.

I educate myself in that and I know how to bring reforms within our society to empower women to live a better life with dignity.

The machismo culture with male's superiority over women is rooted in the teachings of the churches and in all our institutions.

Who gives males power to dominate over women?

They will say God, but the bible was not written by women meaning by that God is a male. We will destroy such a mentality and males will know how to respect females, for they never give birth to other humans.

I spent my entire life studying this machismo society and I will bring it down and women will be revered and respected as well. Please do not be discouraged and just have faith and hope, for the change is underway...

This is a reply to Msg 19168
Posted by Mathieu Derisse on February 4 2010 at 2:57 PM

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Zac Dammit! I'm too freaken hungry for you to get me laughing so. I am at work with no food and no money in my pocket until Friday. Please cut it out! lol. > >
Tiba, 3-Feb-10 1:15 pm
Hey guys, I think you're having way too much fun without me... so I'll join in and put my two cents. Province, is there any chance that you did miss taking your meds today? Linda, behave yourself! Slap! Ouch! Slap! OOOOOOuch! Maaaaan, I h > >
Linda, 3-Feb-10 3:22 pm
Linda, I know you've been in a big sadness and grieving moment lately, and did not want to drag you in just like that, but I am very glad you can join us and get a big laugh at everything that has been said so far mostly by our newer member "Provi > >
Tiba, 3-Feb-10 5:12 pm
Hi Linda, it's really good to see you post something, it's been a while. You and Tiba are literally the salt and pepper of this blog. Honestly I think the two of you have the it factor that makes someone a great leader. It's unfortunate that you res > >
Zac, 4-Feb-10 7:57 am
Hi Zac, I spend a quarter of the year in Haiti--sometimes more when I have a semester off. I would never run for office in Haiti because the illogical mind of the Haitian male that lives in Haiti is not something that I can deal with. Actually, recen > >
Linda, 4-Feb-10 11:56 am
Do not be discouraged at all Lynda, we have a machismo society to bring dowm for the full respect and good treatments of women in our society. I educate myself in that and I know how to bring reforms within our society to empower women to live a bett > >
Mathieu Derisse, 4-Feb-10 2:57 pm
Good morning Linda, I'm laughing because of what I'm about to say but it is true. I said it once, I have a crush on you. And I'll tell you why. I like women that are strong, intelligent, educated, well-informed and eloquent; You are all that and more > >
Zac, 5-Feb-10 9:33 am
Zac, It is not for no reason why so many Haitian men do not marry/date women of other races and cultures. Contrary to the popular belief, most Haitian men don't marry/date/stick with Haitian women because they found quality, character, loyalty, an > >
Tiba, 5-Feb-10 2:31 pm
oh Tiba, I'm madly in love, please, please, please help a brother out. If you could help me get a date, just one date with Linda I would be forever in your debt. It's the weekend and my only plan is to play video games and watch movies with my buddy. > >
Zac, 5-Feb-10 6:19 pm
Zac, I would help you with that except that you're too young for Linda. But again if you'd agree to give me all of your food stamps for this month I'd see if I can convince her to have a 10 minutes meeting with you at the Burger King and send > >
Tiba, 5-Feb-10 6:52 pm
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