Mathieu, let's not mix our apples and our oranges. Saying that...
Linda says...
Mathieu, let's not mix our apples and our oranges.
Saying that the US is not responsible for the earthquake is one thing; saying that the US is not responsible for Haiti's problem is another.
The US is at the very core of most of Haiti's problem, an that is since the very beginning of Haiti's history.
All one has to do to know this is to read some history books that are not written by Americans.
On the other hand there's no proof that the Americans had anything to do with Haiti's earthquake.
Would Americans have done such a terrible thing if it met that they would profit from it?
I have no doubt that they would.
Did they do this, I don't know. I am a pretty good researcher, and I did everything I could to locate the document that is supposed to have been written to Putin, and came up empty.
I feel that those who are making this claim should back it up by posting the original document online.
Otherwise, it all just sounds like Internet myths.
The topic is: Cessez Des Accusations Non Justifiees
This is a reply to Msg 19158
Posted by Linda on February 4 2010 at 1:22 PM