white haitian leader says haitians are cursed

Bluye Tooth says...

white haitian leader says all africans are cursed, especially in haiti.

Posted by Bluye Tooth on February 2 2010 at 4:26 PM

Messages in this topic

Haitians are not cursed and will never be cursed in a White world. Haitians are victims of racism of Whites and mulattoes. The dark skinned people worldwide are suffering racism at the hands of Whites, mestizos, mulattoes, Asians and even light Afric > >
Jean R. Montas, 2-Feb-10 5:33 pm
Good morning Mathieu, oops my bad, I meant to say Jean R. Montas. Mathieu my good friend after reading all your comments I can tell that you're a very passionate man but your passion is misplaced. I agree Haiti is not cursed and the country is certai > >
Zac, 3-Feb-10 9:40 am
You must not be of the Haitian Montas family as they are all mulattoes. > >
Linda, 3-Feb-10 3:29 pm