Shelino the best thing for you to do would be to shut up, I...
Zac says...
Shelino the best thing for you to do would be to shut up, I can barely understand what you're saying.
You said Haitians should pray because our country is cursed.
I guess that would imply that you believe in God.
Yet despite your belief in God you said the world should not help Haiti in its time of greatest need. Where is the compassion, What about being your brother's keeper?
I know racism exists everywhere.
Yes a lot of Haitians may practice vodoo.
But who are you to say that this catastrophe happened because God is punishing Haiti.
How do you know?
Tell me did He call you and reveal to you that he was about to strike Haiti.
That holier-than-thou attitude will not work with me. The Dominican republic has its faults, the US has its faults so is every other country.
So you need to shut up stupid because if God is punishing Haiti for its sins I tell you again get ready because every nation is on the list. An angel told that God is saving a special blow for the great and perfect people of the Dominican republic, the angel said it will be "shock and awe".
The clock is ticking and you've been warned!
The topic is: Preval's Opinion about Dominican Aid To Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 19032
Posted by Zac on January 31 2010 at 11:42 AM