One more thing if you're so passionate about creole why are

One more thing if you're so passionate about creole why are you on this site writing in english, why not write in creole if you want to be the poster child of the creole language.

Stop being an enemy of freedom Haitians should have the right to be a bilingual country.

I bet you're one of those people who speak english to Haitians whom you know cannot speak english.

Ki dwa'w eske gen moun ki di'w pa pale anglais, non, pa gen ki di'w pa pale anglais cependan ou vini la ap ouvri zel ou sou moun.

Ma chere alo'r lan'm merde tande.

Ki sa wap fe pou ede Haiti yon merde.

suspan fe pale ampil.

konnye ya mwen vle we moun kap fe action.

Se sa ampil nan nou prop se ouvri gwo djol chak jou epi pale, pale pale pale. Si nou te sousie de Haiti konsa peiyi ya pata la. femen feuille bek ou.

The topic is: French should not be official
This is a reply to Msg 19020
Posted by Zac on January 31 2010 at 7:55 AM