Damebochie, there's nothing wrong with that, you have every...
Zac says...
Damebochie, there's nothing wrong with that, you have every right to criticize the government.
I have lived most of my life in the US I know how governments are supposed to operate.
Most Haitians don't, most Haitians do not understand that a government is there to serve the people not to enrich themselves.
This is why when a wise and intelligent person like yourself voice your opinion and disapproval of the Haitian government there will always be idiots who oppose you for that because the majority of Haitians do not understand that a president is supposed to work. Being a president is like having any other job. He is a servant of the people.
He needs to be there in times of need and encourage people, comfort them in times trouble.
If he can't do that then he should be impeached.
But as always Haitians are always left to fend for themselves.
And you have people who don't realize that it shouldn't be like that. Haitians don't realize that there are certain things that the government is supposed to provide to its people.
Can you imagine Obama or any US president going into hiding after a major disaster.
If Obama did something like he would be impeached yesterday.
Until Haitians learn that a government is there to work and serve the need of the people they will never elect a competent person.
As I'm writing this my heart is aching because I see no end in sight.
I can't see the light at the tunnel yet. We have an education problem in Haiti the mass is not educated that's why they allow presidents and other elected officials to violate them that way.
I've been so emotional since this earthquake, I've been so angry at the Haitian government.
I get angry when I hear little kids having to fend for themselves in the dangerous streets of Port-Au-Prince.
I'm pass tired; now, I'm tired of being tired.
These people need to held accountable.
They need to pay for what they have done to Haiti and the Haitian people.
I swear if they don't change after this catastrophe and continue to violate Haitians the way they have been doing I will go after them. It may take 10 or 20 years but they will pay.
I feel hurt when people talk bad about Haiti, i feel ashamed and angry.
It's the type of anger that makes you want to change things.
I wonder if our leaders every feel that way.
The topic is: CNN: Wolf Blitzer Expired Food Sent To Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 18972
Posted by Zac on January 29 2010 at 6:07 PM