People who believe that Haiti needs another Duvalier should...
Jay says...
People who believe that Haiti needs another Duvalier should have been in Haiti during the earth quakes, so they could feel the pain and sufference of the people.
Duvalier lives in France, went to exile after he had stolen more than $250,000,000. Money that could have Built roads, schools hospitals, universities, airports, etc...instead, he is wasting that money on prostitutes while his people are eating dirt. but some of you still want him back not because you dont know any better, but because you are ignorant and stupid.
WHILE many of us enjoy the life here in the USA, WE see how a country is supposed to run, but again, some of you still want to be ruled by a pathetic dictator.
Haiti's problem is not just its governemt, the Haitian's mentality is the biggest threat.
Today, I asked a very good friend of mine, before Haitians were haitians what part of Africa did they come from, his answer was. Haitians are a race of its own. Exatcly what i thought.
Now you know why HAITI is all MESSED UP. Take a look at Little Haiti in Miami: it looks the same as Haiti, dirty and poverish.
New york, Boston, chicago, Bahamas etc where ever there is a large population of haitians they will turn the place into a barbage dump. I dont care what some of you may say or think of me, I dont give a crap. I have traveled around the world and i would say this, Haiti is the dirtiest country on this planet.
Its sad, but, there is no reason for it to be that way. Haiti gets too much Aid from the international community to be such an impoverish country.
Haiti will never be fixed as long as haitians are in control.
They have been showing their incompetence for the past 200 years, I dont see why they should change.
The SMART Haitians would never run for office cause they will kill them. The United States, France, Canadam Brazil, Germany, China and many more are the way they are today because they have the man power to build their country.
They have scientists, civil engineers, doctors, educators, Chemists, nurses police officers etc...
Haiti has thugs in uniforms walking around with AK-47 executing people for a bag of rice on national TV while the whole world is watching, they have 1 doctor for 5000 patients.
Gosh i could keep going, but it would be a waste of time. The good Haitian doctors, engineers, scientists live in europe, canada and the USA. For Haiti to become a country, it will need those people back, and my impression is, that will never happen.
Therefore for those of you who love HAiti so much, I got bad news for you all: whereever you at right now, start getting used to it cause it would be your home until you die. The jamaicans, the puerto ricans, the dominicans, the french, they all got a home to go to except the Haitians.
ask Duvalier, Aristid, Cedras and Preval.
This is a reply to Msg 18242
Posted by Jay on January 27 2010 at 2:32 AM