Hey benjamin, ass hole, i guest you also blame the mullatoes...

Loulou says...

hey benjamin, ass hole, i guest you also blame the mullatoes for your skin color; as long as you think that all the problem of haiti come from the mulattoe, that give a clear if=dea of our dep is your ignorance and our stupid, not the less, you are,

The topic is: Mulattoes Are Spreading False Rumors Against U.S.A
This is a reply to Msg 18651
Posted by Loulou on January 25 2010 at 7:55 PM

Messages in this topic

hey benjamin, ass hole, i guest you also blame the mullatoes for your skin color; as long as you think that all the problem of haiti come from the mulattoe, that give a clear if=dea of our dep is your ignorance and our stupid, not the less, you are, > >
Loulou, 25-Jan-10 7:55 pm