Jim, You got a very good point.
Jay says...
Jim, You got a very good point.
The topic is: Wyclef can Fool Haitians not IRS
This is a reply to Msg 18700
Posted by Jay on January 23 2010 at 12:10 AM
Messages in this topic
Jay: Its good to hear from you my son. I never had lunch or dinner with Baby Doc or his former wife but I was pilot for his former father-in-law and chief pilot of the former Haiti Air. Now, to the points you have raised. The things you say Haiti > >
Earl Wheby Jr., 22-Jan-10 5:14 am
Well Jay I am pleased by what you just wrote here on this blog. I am wondering if I have not spoken to you somewhere or sometimes before. Jay I was in Berlin and I went to Haiti recently to see how could I set up a Volkshochschule inJacmel damit I c > >
Avenger, 22-Jan-10 4:29 pm
hello jay, I undestand your point man, i got the same idea too, old people can´t lead haitian government, Mr. preval and his alies should go now because that man not a professional, he was in belgium to study agronomy, he is not reach to the profe > >
Barhn Dewars, 22-Jan-10 5:48 pm
Jay you seem like a pretty reasonable guy and as I said before I tend to agree with a lot of your comments. Mulattoes are not entirely to blame for the problems Haiti faces. I've read quite a few posts on here where people want to blame them for Hai > >
Calvin, 22-Jan-10 6:20 pm
The problem with Haiti, is Haitains. Haitians are a people who lack moral and civilized quailties to raised them out of squalor and utter dispair. This is why, as a people, they fail both at home and abroad, their communities are the amongst the po > >
Jim, 22-Jan-10 7:02 pm
You are simply ignorant... and perhaps never spent a day in school. I'm not sure you even know what life means... Stupid! > >
Haitian For Life, 22-Jan-10 8:14 pm
The problem with Haiti, is Haitains. Haitians are a people who lack moral and civilized quailties to raised them out of squalor and utter dispair. This is why, as a people, they fail both at home and abroad, their communities are the amongst the po > >
Jim, 22-Jan-10 8:19 pm
Mr Earl, I respect your point of view. I am not totally against your ideas, but I hope you understand my frustration with the Haitian government. Their incompetence is beyound belief. I want nothing but the best for Haiti. You are right, we should wo > >
Jay, 23-Jan-10 12:00 am
Jim, You got a very good point. > >
Jay, 23-Jan-10 12:10 am
Wow! This person is trying to sound so EDUCATED when he cant even write and spell English well. I usually don't respond to these kinds of remarks but this one got to me. I have nothing against the content of what you are saying. It's just that the > >
Raynald Delerme, 23-Jan-10 12:24 am