Perhaps this following video might help but its in Spanish...

Melissa says...

Perhaps this following video might help but its in Spanish.

Chavez did accuse USA of testing this new tectonic weapon that caused the earthquakes in Haiti.

If nobody says anything they will continue with those tests.

If we let them know we are aware of their games although we cannot do anything about it right now, maybe they will stop. Usually there is one earthquake every 200 years not 3 earthquakes at once and another big one at 6 am within a few days. Once the plate move under the sea that's it for another 150 to 200 years; When is this going to end. The unusual rise in temperature over haiti is also quite suspicious.

I see people talking about mulattos as they were labeled by those disrespectful French, Believe me those people have more education and created more wealth for themselves than the rest of us Haitians.

You should all remember that OBAMA IS A MULATTO that all black people look up to as a beacon of light and hope. Video of Chavez:Presidente Hugo Chávez 6 7 Venezuela 13 de enero 2010 Haiti quake sismo terremoto

The topic is: Hugo Chavez Accuses USA For Haiti Earthquake
This is a reply to Msg 18647
Posted by Melissa on January 21 2010 at 10:16 PM

Messages in this topic

Predident Chavez got his information from a very good source THE RUSSIANS. It’s fair to assume that he is telling the truth. The TRUTH USUALLY HURTS. Why else all those Nations are in Haiti. I had to look on the map to find where Iceland is... > >
Serge, 21-Jan-10 7:04 pm
You're not addressing my point. Who is the source of this story? Where did it start? It sure isn't Chavez. All those nations are in Haiti to continue plundering the country. They're going to establish an island of sweatshops and Haitian miser > >
Gonaives, 21-Jan-10 7:20 pm
Serge, I would like to add that I am 100% on your side. I don't trust the intentions of the imperial countries that are suddenly wanting to "help" Haiti. I trust the goodness of all the people around the world who gave money but the neolibera > >
Gonaives, 21-Jan-10 7:27 pm
You need prove to show evidence what Chavez states about the earthquake that hits Haiti. Stop playing the mulatto's game conspiracy. Mulattoes in Haiti were drug traffickers and they had hijacked the Haitian Administration to spread a rampant corrupt > >
Lionel Benjamin, 21-Jan-10 7:44 pm
Could you try that again with a little attempt at coherence this time? > >
Gonaives, 21-Jan-10 8:23 pm
Perhaps this following video might help but its in Spanish. Chavez did accuse USA of testing this new tectonic weapon that caused the earthquakes in Haiti.If nobody says anything they will continue with those tests. If we let them know we are aware o > >
Melissa, 21-Jan-10 10:16 pm
Hi, Gonaives: Obviously, you didn't read my post entitled " was the earthquake in Haiti engineered by the US?". Chavez isn't the only one making those assertions. Very reputable scientists have written about the attempts to develop New World Or > >
Rintintin, 22-Jan-10 8:54 am
cuz the freemasons don't give a fact about those people, and robertson is sayin that shit so people listen and have somethin to lean against, im disapointed that america dosent understand how corrupt their own government's the worst flaw ever > >
Duce, 22-Jan-10 11:40 pm
Nice try but no dice. In other words you have no proof, just bullshit. I speak Spanish fluently and Hugo said NO SUCH THING in that video. I'm a huge fan of Chavez but I'm also a huge fan of the truth. The US right-wing started this rumor. You > >
Gonaives, 23-Jan-10 12:17 pm