Pedro De Alba: Rampant corruption in Building Cons

Jean-marie S. Legagneur says...

Pedro De Alba, a well known U.S. engineer states that rampant corruption in the building industry in Haiti favors the destruction of so many homes in Haiti than any other countries hit by similar 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

The mulatto CEOs within the Haitian Administration are the ones to blame for rampant corruption.

He states that those CEOs never enforce building codes to prevent such natural catastrophy.

Haiti before the earthquake had an old patrimonial system based on clientelism and patronage.

Since you know a patron in your entourage, you could do anything.

Haiti never had an economic system over the past 206 years.

The Doublure Administration's system instituted by the mulatto president Petion is the only economic system to enrich the ruling elites as well as keeping Haitian people in abject poverty.

This doublure administration favors clientelism and promotes corruption as well. We must fight to end it this time for real...

Posted by Jean-marie S. Legagneur on January 21 2010 at 3:34 PM