What Will Happen To Haiti Elections Next Month?

Nadege says...

I presume Haiti elections will not go on next month since Haiti is in ruins.

Despite the high number of causalities in Haiti, the country is still independent, an d highly populated.

The US sock puppet, better known as Rene Garcia Preval, should resign, pronto, since he's not doing anything.

BTW: I find it a bit suspect that there's no mention of Haiti election in the American media, especially since thousands of Haitians were protesting daily, as early as two weeks ago, callin go on the UN "peacekeepers" and Preval to leave the country.

That's just me, though.

This is a reply to Msg 18511
Posted by Nadege on January 19 2010 at 7:50 PM

Messages in this topic

Just like Sadam, hang (Cinq etoile) Preval... I will do myself just give the rope.. > >
Cinq Etoile, 19-Jan-10 7:40 pm
I presume Haiti elections will not go on next month since Haiti is in ruins. Despite the high number of causalities in Haiti, the country is still independent, an d highly populated. The US sock puppet, better known as Rene Garcia Preval, s > >
Nadege, 19-Jan-10 7:50 pm
Since you have found food and water for you and your family, now you are speaking mud and stool. Espece de sans-honte. Pourquoi ne pensez vous pas plutot a des miliers et des miliers de vos freres qui sont maintenant en train de dormir a la belle eto > >
Kiki, 19-Jan-10 10:20 pm
Kiki va te faire chier, tu sais pas de quoi tu parles. reste dans la cuisine et je t'appelerai si j'ai besoin de quelque chose. Voila!!! enfin pendant que t'es la enmene moi quelque chose a boire et n'oublies pas de m'apporter la ceinture car j'aimer > >
Jay, 20-Jan-10 3:08 am
TiRouge, vas te faire chier dans les jupons de ta mere, fils de pute (mulatre). Ce sont les membres de ta famille mulatre qui ont ruine l'etat Haitien depuis 206 annees de colonization interne. Ta famille prendra la fuite et les anciens presidents re > >
Ghislaine, 20-Jan-10 3:23 am
Ghislaine la Saintanize, quel nom de merde.qui t'as donne ce non de negre. tu parles comme si t'etais fier d'haiti. y'a que les imbeciles qui pensent comme tu penses.200 ans de misere 200 ans de colonization, blablabla, c'est la faute de qui ca. C'es > >
Jay, 20-Jan-10 11:16 am