Tiba, my friend I don't feel very comfortable saying this but...

Zac says...

Tiba, my friend I don't feel very comfortable saying this but I've so traumatized by this catastrophe I had to take some time off, but I'm feeling better now. When it first happened I was watching CNN I was ok but the next day it started getting to me. There were certain scenes I saw on TV and tears just started rolling down my cheek.

I wasn't able to sleep, my hands were shaking so I started taking sleeping pills.

I spoke to my cousin and one of my best friends we all want to go and volunteer but most of the organizations are looking for medical professionals now. However this afternoon I spoke a Haitian pastor, his church is planing a relief trip to Haiti he told me the door is wide open but they don't have a date yet because they're still collecting items but I think I'm gonna go with them.

The topic is: opportunisme etasunien
This is a reply to Msg 18388
Posted by Zac on January 17 2010 at 6:16 PM

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Tiba, my friend I don't feel very comfortable saying this but I've so traumatized by this catastrophe I had to take some time off, but I'm feeling better now. When it first happened I was watching CNN I was ok but the next day it started getting to m > >
Zac, 17-Jan-10 6:16 pm
If you're talking about Montressor, he has said he wants to run for president, in my view he's not qualified and i don't think he understand the basic concept of Haitian politics or politic in general. Maybe he has good intentions but good intentions > >
Zac, 17-Jan-10 6:35 pm
All I did was show you the way. I provided you links so you conduct your own research, but I guess you ignored them. Good luck wallowing in your own stupidity. BTW: Just because something is not on CNN does not mean it doesn't exist. > >
Nadege, 18-Jan-10 11:53 pm
this is very interesting references. My first impresion was can something like that happen. After refering to this web site I believe that it could happens. Sorry that I read your references since you were not sending it to me. > >
Ale, 19-Jan-10 12:40 am
No need to be sorry. We all need to be educated. This is not directed towards you, but Haitians love to forget how US intervention and unfair foreign policy towards Haiti hinder the country's development. I think Haiti has had the most foreign in > >
Nadege, 19-Jan-10 12:52 am
you just right if you see how the areas sit on the plate that had been predict by the scientist there is no way that only haiti could have been hurt. Dominican republic cou;ld have hurt too. > >
Ale, 19-Jan-10 12:59 am
Nadege, I had vowed not to ever respond to your nonses again, but I felt compelled to go against my own rule in order to save your brain from collapsing. You said "BTW: Just because something is not on CNN does not mean it doesn't exist...." > >
Tiba, 19-Jan-10 6:39 am
Ale, The earthquake did not hit Dominican Republic at a 7.0. Cap-Haitian and many other parts of the country felt it as well but there was no damage. Since the earthquake hit Haiti in the evening of January 12, Venezuela got hit by a earthquake > >
Tiba, 19-Jan-10 6:55 am
Nice way to avoid getting educated. You can easily research the topics and look for other sources. > >
Nadege, 19-Jan-10 9:20 am
So you are sitting confortably in you home while people are clearly dying in Haiti and all you can complain about is that this is an invasion of haiti Do you really think the people who are sleeping in champs de mars right now cares about this rig > >
1 6 3 1, 19-Jan-10 10:30 am
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