Decentralization of Port-au-Prince a good thing!!!

Although I am not a geologist, in fact, I hate geology, nevertheless, I have been talking about the decentralization of P-A-P for years as if I had forseen this day coming.

And today, in the midst of this catastrophy of magnitude proportion, I forsee some positive coming out of it. For one thing, the decentralization of P-A-P has already begun since Wednesday.

Everyone who had immigrated to P-A-P are going back home where they came from which is, in my view, a very good thing.

Many of these people will probably start working the land again for food production (agriculture) and trying to rebuild their communities, etc. etc...

I am very excited about that.

What do you guys think about that?

Posted by Tiba on January 17 2010 at 4:54 PM


You need a leader a visionary for the country, presently you have ...
Antonioj, January 17 2010 · Reply

I like what tiba said and I was thinking the same thing. Preval should declare a state of emergency in Port-Au-Prince and order everybody to ...
Zac, January 17 2010 · Reply