Hello brother, I heard about Edner St Fleur, I am not his son...
Robert M. St Fleur says...
Hello brother,
I heard about Edner St Fleur, I am not his son. My father was from Cayes Jacmel next to Raymond des bains beach.
I write books and play instrumental music.
It was a pleasure talking to you.
Kimbe fem
Happy New Year
Robert M. St Fleur
The topic is: What Is The Ideal Form Of Government For Haiti?
This is a reply to Msg 18285
Posted by Robert M. St Fleur on January 15 2010 at 3:26 PM
Messages in this topic
The people arent educated enough to embrace democracy. Enforcement of the law will be the first step towards democracy, as far as i am concerned the whole Police Corps, and the governent are corrupted. To bring democracy, you gotta kill every member > >
Jay, 14-Jan-10 1:12 am
Mr st fleur I want to know if you are the son of edner st fleur. the name appear that your are the doctor. If yes because I come form grand-bassin > >
Ale, 15-Jan-10 12:27 pm
Hello brother, I heard about Edner St Fleur, I am not his son. My father was from Cayes Jacmel next to Raymond des bains beach. I write books and play instrumental music. It was a pleasure talking to you. Kimbe fem Happy New Year Robert > >
Robert M. St Fleur, 15-Jan-10 3:26 pm
Listen, all I know the St-Fleurs are good people and they are mulashits, mulasluts, mulacats and muladogs. You should be proud of carrying their last name. With all the St-Fleurs we can get a better Haiti. But with mulashits we will have corruption a > >
Sandra Pat Robenson, 16-Jan-10 12:37 am