Haiti's National Palace Collapsed in Earthquake

Woodring Saint Preux says...

Bad news, Haiti's National Palace collapsed after the earthquake!

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Palais National la Kraze!

Haiti pa gen Palais National anko!

Mezanmi peyi-m nan fini!

Branche sou www.Haiti911.com pou plis enfomation.

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Posted by Woodring Saint Preux on January 12 2010 at 10:15 PM

Messages in this topic

Sympathy to all the victims. This is a sad for Haitian architect Georges Baussan who designed this 1914 palace building. Since nothing too serious every comes out of this palace for the Haitian people, let us focus on the survivors and their sufferin > >
Rubens Titus, 13-Jan-10 7:08 pm