To Every Single Haitian Police Officer
Lavaud Hold Desmoulins says...
My Message to you is: Your Right to enjoy your natural, or constitutional, rights is only on the Haitian's soil. Period.
You must believe in your country and in your Police Forces.
You can never be Haitian twice.
You are Haitian once. The country is yours.
Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J.
Posted by Lavaud Hold Desmoulins on January 12 2010 at 1:27 PM
Messages in this topic
I agree with you one can be Haitian once and not twice. Our great founding father states this: "Only people whom their mothers and fathers are Haitians can claim to be Haitians." On this note, another nationality cannot stripe away one's Haitian nati > >
Mathieu Derisse, 12-Jan-10 4:45 pm