The Zombie's problem is one of the causes of Haitian...

Mathieu Derisse says...

The Zombie's problem is one of the causes of Haitian poverty;however, the doublure administration is the major cause of the Haitian underdevelopment, therefore we should end it. The administration of doublure allows all mulattos to hold the executive level positions while holding the dark skinned people at the lower levels within the public institutions.

To stop corruption, we must end the mulattos' doublure administration as well as eradicating the zombie's phenomenon.

The mulattos within our public institutions used the Voodoo to hold them in those executive positions for years and that is why Zombie exist in Haiti.

The mulattos within Haiti's institutions are real Voodoo followers than any other Haitians I know. We must call for the end of the Mulattos' reign in Haiti.

Voodoo is not the real problem of Haiti, and it is ungrateful to associate Voodoo as being responsible for economic underdevelopment of Haiti.

Voodoo is a religion for the oppressed people and the exploited ones in Haiti, and it does exist for social justice as well. We got our independence with Voodoo and it will be ungrateful to call for the exclusion of Voodoo within the Haitian society.

However, we can reform the Voodoo by ending the Zombie's phenomenon, but eradicating Voodoo is to play the blame game of those ungrateful mulattos in this country.

For a Haiti for all, we must reform Voodoo and end the Doublure Administration to end corruption in Haiti...

This is a reply to Msg 10151
Posted by Mathieu Derisse on January 8 2010 at 11:06 PM

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Tu perdes la tete. Cliquez ici Arretez vos betises > >
The Man, 18-Aug-09 4:19 pm
tout le monde a son oppinion!Je ne croit pas que le vodou est un d'effect si nous pensons que le development est baser sur l'oppinion et bien c'est bien le cas.prenon l'exemple que les eleves des facultees ont incendies beucoup d'himeuble d'importan > >
Lucky, 25-Aug-09 7:23 pm
I completely agree with u, I raised christian but poverty has nothing to with with religion. if they do more reseach you would say the colons use religion to make us accept, we were born to be their slave........ > >
Philou, 15-Oct-09 6:30 pm
The Zombie's problem is one of the causes of Haitian poverty;however, the doublure administration is the major cause of the Haitian underdevelopment, therefore we should end it. The administration of doublure allows all mulattos to hold the executive > >
Mathieu Derisse, 8-Jan-10 11:06 pm
Reverend MACAOUE,si on est laid c'est la faute au divin createur,si on est ignorant c;est la faut a soi-meme.J'ai visite l'Almangne,on pratique le meme vaudou que le notre,ils ont des ecoles,restaurants et des hopitaux a l'interieur de leur PERISTIL. > >
Llyod Benneth, 11-Jan-10 5:09 pm
Les mauvaises pratiques du Vodou peuvent etre l'une des causes du sous-devevelopment. Les pratiques de Zombies doivent etre eradiquees en Haiti mais pas le Vodou. Le culte Vodouesque un culte comme tous les autres cultes et ce culte doit etre pratiqu > >
Mathieu Derisse, 11-Jan-10 9:07 pm
Mr Mathieu,la facon que vous exteriorisez me faire croire qu'il est personnel.Je ne pense pas que nous devons nous en embarquer dans une guerre civile.Jean Dominique etait un mulatre,il a denonce les representants de nos gouverments.Il a lutte contre > >
Yves Binbin, 12-Jan-10 9:55 am
Naturellement le vodoo est etroitement lie au sous-development. C'est de l'ignorance pure et simple > >
Janette, 15-Jan-10 12:31 am
Janette, votre hypothese de vaudou et le sous-development n'a pas de base anthropologique. Le vaudou haitien est une consequence de l'esclavage et sa survie a ete facilite pour le marronage. Le development est une heureuse consequence de stabilite po > >
Rubens Titus, 15-Jan-10 6:23 am
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