It is always good to see that there are other Haitians who see...
Linda says...
It is always good to see that there are other Haitians who see the gutter-rat Preval for who he is. This article is cohesive and to the point.
Thank you.
Now, how do we keep this gutter rat from stealing the next election??!!
Reports from Haiti tells me that most people there have no hope for any change...If that is true, this will truly be the end of Haiti.
Preval and his illiterate toilet dwellers have done so much damage already that if Haiti is not rescued from them with this next political round we might as well have a national funeral for our country.
The topic is: René Préval Eviction Notice
This is a reply to Msg 17957
Posted by Linda on January 1 2010 at 12:37 PM
Messages in this topic
It is always good to see that there are other Haitians who see the gutter-rat Preval for who he is. This article is cohesive and to the point. Thank you. Now, how do we keep this gutter rat from stealing the next election??!! Reports from Hait > >
Linda, 1-Jan-10 12:37 pm
A national funeral for the country of Haiti may be a good idea because the people of Haiti seem to agree on nothing and no one is happy with the situations that exist today with 9,000 U.N. troops in the country, no electric 24/7 and people eating mud > >
Earl Wheby, 2-Jan-10 7:08 am
Earl Wheby How many times have I told you to get off of all that crack? All of these illegal drugs that you're smoking and taking into your system is not good for your little pea size brain. You are now being delusional and hallucinating too. > >
Tiba, 2-Jan-10 7:38 am
Tiba: I think that was a personal opinion of Mr. earl Werby. The Great King is coming The Dark Knight > >
The Dark Knight, 2-Jan-10 3:50 pm
by reading you Linda, being not haitian, you are haitian, you must be, brainless, dirty neggres. une femme comme toi ne peut jamais etre utile meme pas pour un quartier, encore moins pour un pays. tu fais partie de ces negresse puante ( qui sentent > >
El Caribeno, 2-Jan-10 3:54 pm
Linda, Please I beg you NOT to lowing your standards replying to this little disgrace uncle Tom called El Caribeno. > >
Tiba, 2-Jan-10 7:05 pm
Hi Tiba, I never respond to El Caribeno. I actually never read what he writes. After being on this blog for a while, it's easy to know who the crazy people are and to avoid them. I guess this time he must have been attacking me, but if it wasn't me i > >
Linda, 2-Jan-10 7:21 pm
Yes and he is kind and will forgive Tiba who is deserving of a position in the new Haitian govenment due to her diplomatic ways of putting things and she should be appointed as Haitian Ambassador to Dominican Republic because she can make it clear to > >
Earl, 2-Jan-10 8:10 pm
Thanks! Bonne Annee to you too! > >
Tiba, 2-Jan-10 9:14 pm
To Linda & Tiba: I think Mr. El Caribeno has his double on this blog. He might not like your [Linda] comments, but that wasn't him. Obviously, Mr. El Caribeno's writing style has vindicated him. Go check it out yourself. The Great King is comin > >
The Dark Knight, 3-Jan-10 7:31 am