Dear RT, nice to read you. I am not tolerant of dishonesty...

Linda says...

Dear RT, nice to read you. I am not tolerant of dishonesty.

Had this woman said, "let's raise money for the this candidate because I like him," I would have thought "what a nice idea." Had she said let's raise money and get several or all the candidates to debate.

I would have thought that she is a neutral party trying to do something good. But when you promote a single candidate, and try to raise money just for that candidate, it is dishonest to try and make people think that there's no connection between you and that particular individual.

Regarding let's not argue or criticize.

Let me point out to you that it is because of laisser aller by people like me that we ended up with Preval and Aristide.

I would argue that avoiding the truth is not the right path for Haitians.

Actually, really asking the questions, exposing the lies, and seriously criticizing the inadequacies is what we now need to do--not play nice.

Notice, that I have not use any nasty words, or useless arguments that have nothing to do with what the other person has done. I have stayed within the specified facts and issue.

Everything I accused this individual of doing, I backed with facts from her own writing.

It is time that thinking Haitians start speaking up. Otherwise in 2012 we will get another Preval or Aristide.

Speaking up the right way is always a good thing.

I am surprise that you RT don't know this.

This is a reply to Msg 17628
Posted by Linda on December 3 2009 at 3:23 PM

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Marie-Denise, ce n'est pas ce que dit le candidat sur son site Internet qu'est en question. C'est le fait que dA¨s le tout dA©but de sa course, les mensonges ont dA©jA  commencA©. Ce n'est pas que vous supporter le candidat parce que vous... > >
Linda, 3-Dec-09 8:37 am
Linda, ma chere Linda, cela fait deja longtemps que je n'ai pas visite ce site. Je constate que les elections font couler beaucoup d'encre et je pense que c'est une bonne chose. Je pense aussi qu'en guise de vous querreler il serait preferable d'anal > >
Robert Toussaint, 3-Dec-09 2:10 pm
c'est quand au juste l'election presidentielle? Ya -t-il deja des noms qui crculent comme futurs candidats potentiel ou future president? Dans l'espoir qu'il fera mieux et plus que Preval, je lui souhaite bonne chance. Ainsi je souhaite bon cou > >
El Caribeno, 3-Dec-09 2:47 pm
Dear RT, nice to read you. I am not tolerant of dishonesty. Had this woman said, "let's raise money for the this candidate because I like him," I would have thought "what a nice idea." Had she said let's raise money and get several or all the candida > >
Linda, 3-Dec-09 3:23 pm
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