Dude I don't know what your problem is but you're preaching to...

Zac says...

Dude I don't know what your problem is but you're preaching to the wrong choir here. It would be wise of you to read my comment thoroughly before you starting putting me in a box. When did I imply that Prime Minister Bellerive wasn't any good?

How am i knocking him down?

Is it wrong for me to hope that he takes the necessary steps to deliver on the promises he's making?

Tell me what's wrong with me hoping that he delivers?

How is that being negative?

The truth is evident all we have ever had in the past was a bunch of promises and nice speeches from our leaders nothing ever changes.

As a Haitian I have every right to be cautious and skeptical while I hope for the best, which by the way is my attitude towards Mr. Bellerive's government.

I'm cautious and I'm also hoping for the best. It will not benefit anybody if he fails.

The problem with Haiti is not people like me who judge our political leaders based on their actions, the problem is people like you who bury your head in the sand and go gaga over empty promises.

I'm sick and tired of promises and empty rhetoric I want to see results you should too.

You know if we Haitians really took the time to analyze the actions of our political leaders then maybe we wouldn't be electing the same people over and over again.

The same people who's never done anything to really improve the situation.

President Preval is nearing the end of his second in office can you tell me of any drastic actions he's taken to better Haiti.

You seem like a nice guy, but be careful how you respond to my comments I don't like people putting words in my mouth or putting me in a box because i'm not like all the rest. Next time i may not be so civil.

The topic is: ALL INVESTORS: We Are Open For Business!
This is a reply to Msg 17615
Posted by Zac on December 3 2009 at 7:04 AM

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Tiba, these guys always say the right things but their actions always say something totally different. Even though i'm very skeptical about Mr. Bellerive's government it would be nice if he really took the steps necessary to make Haiti more business > >
Zac, 2-Dec-09 2:33 pm
i checked the link and i have to say the oasis project is very cool. Just one question though is it already under construction? > >
Zac, 2-Dec-09 2:59 pm
Dominican-york, 2-Dec-09 3:12 pm
Hello, Just got your reply and here is what I have to say about it... First and foremost, I am holding my horse indeed. I have never met Jacqueline Charles, so I do not know what she looks like; but if you say you do and know that she is well re > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 2-Dec-09 4:53 pm
What do you know about the PM. Jean-Max Bellerive? Do you know of his resume and past work in Haiti? That is the thing with you Haitians no one is ever good, no words is ever encouraging and we knock down every trees before allowing them to flouri > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 2-Dec-09 5:09 pm
Wilgeens Rosenberg, You said "When it is said, that they will lower the cost for or of doing business in Haiti, you do not know all the implementations that come with that statement regarding the specifics to which areas those costs will be lowere > >
Tiba, 2-Dec-09 7:53 pm
Wilgeens Rosenberg Here we go again! who cares if prime minister Jean-Max Bellerive is a "scholar" and had held every public office in the world? Yes, that would be nice if he is a scholar, but the big most important question about him is, can he > >
Tiba, 2-Dec-09 8:04 pm
Delivering in Haiti is relatively a matter of having to actually be on the job. No one can claim from a distance prior to being on the job to know for certain what they can truly do for Haiti. Much is to be assess on the job whereas could have been > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 2-Dec-09 9:54 pm
Moving Haiti forward is not a one man's job, but rather it is an all Haitians' job. That is the thing we us Haitians, we can always be sure stand on the sideline criticizing and say how can this person do this and that for Haiti, how can government > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 2-Dec-09 10:00 pm
Dude I don't know what your problem is but you're preaching to the wrong choir here. It would be wise of you to read my comment thoroughly before you starting putting me in a box. When did I imply that Prime Minister Bellerive wasn't any good? How am > >
Zac, 3-Dec-09 7:04 am
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