Senateur Lambert, Le Guede Au Parlement

Senateur Haiti says...

Haiti est malade SOS pour le pays. Voici un Sénateur au parlement le 29 Oct au renvoi de la premiere ministre.

Cette photo du Sénateur Lambert en dit long sur l'état lamentable du Pays.

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Vraiment Triste de voir le pays dans cet état...

Un "Sénateur" de la République?

Un Sénat qui a vu des Sénateurs comme: Horacius Baussan- Rameau Loubeau- Louis Déjoie- Paul Pereira- Thomas Desulmé- Emile St. Lot - Louis Édouard Pouget - Fouchard Martineau - Isaï Jeanty - Edgar Néré Numa - plus récemment: Frahner Jean Baptiste - Dejean Bélizaire - Guy Bauduy - Bernard Sansaricq -Thomas Eddy Dupiton...

A la Chambre des députés: Raymond Vilaire Cabèche, Marcelin Josselin, Necker Lacroix, Ofrane Poux, Joachim Jean Baptiste, Luc Bréa, Camille Léon, Auguste Garoute, Dumarsais Estimé, Daniel Fignolé...

Un pays qui a connu des nationalistes comme Georges Sylvain, Sténio Vincent, Seymour Pradel, Perceval Thoby, Pauléus Sannon, Pierre Hudicourt, Elie Guérin, Jacques Roumain, Lucien Lafontant, François Mathon, Schiller Nicolas, Placide David, Antonio Vieux, Maurice Chalmers, Louis Nicolas, Rosalvo Bobo, Joseph Anténor Firmin, Mireille Durocher Bertin, Gérard Etienne et tant d'autres...

Comment Grand Dieu, sommes-nous arrivés à Aristide - René Préval et toute cette lie de charogne et d'ordures

34;Si, bergers du troupeau, nous nous en constituons les loups; si, gardiens de la maison, nous nous faisons les voleurs qui la brisent et la pillent; si rebelles au meilleur de nous-mêmes, nous manquons à nos engagements solennels; alors il sera temps d'entrer en jugement avec nous et de nous demander compte."
(Président Dumarsais Estimé, 16 août 1946)

Posted by Senateur Haiti on November 16 2009 at 9:24 AM

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Franck Larece, 16-Nov-09 10:26 am
se problem nan sa wi se on bann gro soulie ki chita nan parlement. ou kwe sa konnen koman pou'l ekri nom li? > >
Zac, 16-Nov-09 12:13 pm
i cant believe my eyes wtf? > >
Jamaira, 16-Nov-09 1:59 pm
Aren't you people getting too sensitive and over reacting? What is so bad with a senator wearing sun glasses? Where is the shame there? What is the crime? Wearing sun glasses or the kind of sun glasses he wears? Which is which? I really don't s > >
Tiba, 16-Nov-09 5:34 pm
WoW..................! I wonder wich one of this two will win the competition The Shark or Mr Lamber! I will never mention to anyone that i am Haitian anymore. Tis is a disgrace > >
Hermione, 16-Nov-09 8:19 pm
Is wearing sunglasses? are you killing me? Those are called goggles. You use them when you are working in the science field not into a house of senate. Or like the email said, you used them when you going to ski. What? Was it snowing inside the house > >
Damebochie, 16-Nov-09 10:38 pm
Lol, tiba these ain't no sunglasses, these are goggles. lol he's not walking somewhere outside in the bright sunlight. He's inside a building. He's a gros soulie no doubt about. > >
Zac, 17-Nov-09 7:43 am
To all young Haitians who look at his picture and are discusted by it, this is the reason why you must be active in the politics of Haiti. I was talking to my brother last night, not only was he discusted by it, he also said. Even when you are > >
Neg Vanyan, 17-Nov-09 8:33 am
My bad! and I apologize to everyone for defending the guy so promptly. Nevertheless, before we jump into conclusion we still should have investigsated first to know what was the circumstance under which he wore these goggles. Maybe he wore them t > >
Tiba, 17-Nov-09 8:45 am
Hey Zac - I applaud you for making the decision to finally embark on your educational journey. Just remember that there will be a lots of ups and downs like feeling "home sick, loneliness, frustration, etc.) and espicially having piles of 20, 25, 30, > >
Tiba, 17-Nov-09 8:58 am
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