Earl Wheby Jr., Don't you think if we are Haitians we already...

Banjo says...

Earl Wheby Jr.,

Don't you think if we are Haitians we already know about papa doc and baby doc?

I've never mention race and race is not the issue in question to you?

We no longer concern of baby doc present and past marriages?

If your "idea is not a policy that can be taken in just a few days of policy decisions but is more a board plan for the future for Haiti."
Then you should have taken the necessary time to prepare and present your ideas in a respectful way to us the Haitian people...

Every country and its leaders in the planet are subject to counter attacks against, not just Haiti.

1-A "leader" will stand boldly and face up the counter attacks for his people with open knowledge, and intelligence to the world of oppositions in order to change the course of history.

2-A "country" will stand boldly to defend the counter attacks against their leader with the same mindset of the leader's knowledge, and intelligence in the world of oppositions in order to bring about change.

Talk is cheap please showing us Haitians to another level of education with knowledge and intelligence on this presidential election.

No more fool play with our country's destiny...

By the way I am not your Son until you can proved your character, knowledge, and intelligence to be my "daddy"
I know who my Daddy is!!!

The topic is: Haiti ranks amongst the worst!
This is a reply to Msg 17169
Posted by Banjo on October 22 2009 at 9:26 AM

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O.K. my son I will attempt to do as you have requested without making it so clear it brings counter attacks against Haiti before the plan even gets going. My idea is not a policy that can be taken in just a few days of policy decisions but is more a > >
Earl Wheby Jr., 22-Oct-09 8:13 am
Earl Wheby Jr., Don’t you think if we are Haitians we already know about papa doc and baby doc??? I’ve never mention race and race is not the issue in question to you??? We no longer concern of baby doc present and past marriages??? If your > >
Banjo, 22-Oct-09 9:26 am
This is a public forum and I have already been subjected to censure over comments related to Abaco. Bahamas and claims that the Bahamas authorities came into Abaco and rounded up a large group of illegal Haitians in the middle of the night and sent t > >
Earl Wheby Jr, 22-Oct-09 12:32 pm
I know my history,& nowhere in our glorious history,has it ever been any such report you seemed to have made up.As I had said it again,I came around much more outrageous,vicious falcifications of historical accounts intended to discredit, disrespect > >
Boje Lwijan, 22-Oct-09 1:50 pm
Earl Wheby Jr, You doesn’t make sense at all because I Google "Manifest Destiny" about an American idea. Right! Happy yeah… And you have the same idea for Haiti. Right! Happy yeah… Earl, musicians never hides their gifts and talents because the > >
Banjo, 22-Oct-09 4:03 pm
I can feel the blood in your vein man! Kudo to you and to all fellow haitians that express themselves like you do. Jou va Jou vien sa gen pou chanje kan menm!!! Peace > >
Jean-esdrace, 23-Oct-09 3:46 am
If we want, we can. Together we stand until the end. I am with all men that want to see good come out of Haiti and make of her the best mother we have ever had. Less politics, more real action plans and get things done. That is what I believe > >
Jean-esdrace, 23-Oct-09 4:18 am
You are too stupid to see the "American idea" of manifest destiny is the solution to the problems of Haiti. Mr. E. Wheby has informed me he is not longer interested to offer help or advice to nasty Haitians and has wrote to Homeland Security which is > >
Rkgs, 23-Oct-09 9:10 am
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