We need more communication please

Max Johnson says...

I would like to take this opportunity to send a message to President Preval.

I respect the work that you are doing, Mr. Preval, and I guess it is not an easy job. However, many Haitians in the country and abroad would like to contribute to the development of their country.

In this regard, we need to know more what is being done in the country.

We need to find out is there are anything being done to address some of the many problems we are facing as a nation like crime, environmental disasters, corruption and so on...May I suggest a radio show where people from all over the world can ask questions on a particular topic or an interactive website where questions and comments are actually answered?

Please let us know.

Posted by Max Johnson on March 20 2007 at 11:12 AM

Messages in this topic

This the job of the minister of 10th dept. He's the one who should represented the gouvernment to let us know what we can do to help. Haitian people are sending every years billions of dollars the country and we are not really represented and partici > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 20-Mar-07 1:57 pm
What missing is that we don't get involve enought and the only thing we good at is complaining.Yes you have Freedom of Speech that let you voice your opinion but if you not doing anything about it nothing will be done. We know how politics is in > >
Jean Batiste, 20-Mar-07 3:31 pm