Linda, what about the rumors that you are looking to marry a...

Earl Wheby Jr says...

Linda, what about the rumors that you are looking to marry a white boy?

Considering your idea to start a church which you never even talked about in your post, why not consider the reformed Islamic faith which accepts General Robert E. Lee and President Jefferson Davis as prophets?

The topic is: Let's start a church on this blog
This is a reply to Msg 11307
Posted by Earl Wheby Jr on October 21 2009 at 10:02 AM

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you have grown very are not capable of having a spirited debate.i don't think this blog is what it should have chosen to show the worst of your self by calling me names;factually speaking your attitude is idiotic.good luck > >
Audie B, 15-Oct-08 10:43 pm
Linda, what about the rumors that you are looking to marry a white boy? Considering your idea to start a church which you never even talked about in your post, why not consider the reformed Islamic faith which accepts General Robert E. Lee and Presi > >
Earl Wheby Jr, 21-Oct-09 10:02 am
Hi Linda, The Haitian people have every reason to be angry...The Preval government has done nothing for them and the country...So, epithet ou pas, qui veut son respect se le procure!!! > >
Tika 260, 1-Feb-10 4:56 pm
yes that will be a good idea to spend in the Lord that people could avoid of going to hell and get ready for the kingdom of God > >
Remember The Lord, 2-Feb-10 8:47 am
I didn't bother to respond to the other religious freaks who's nonsense I have no time for. However, your response was puzzling, hence I chose to answer you. I do believe that "the Haitian people have every reason to be angry..." My question to you i > >
Linda, 2-Feb-10 6:19 pm
Lynda, you have the rights to be mad against any perverted religious persons. Since 2000, Christianity has been doomed to failure. Chritianity is proning homosexuality and the only religion that is shielded against homosexuality is Islam. I will not > >
Jean R. Montas, 2-Feb-10 6:45 pm
Hi Jean, although you may not know it, you and I are blood relatives (if this is the Jean Montas from the old Haitian Montas family). Anyway, I too am Christian; spent most of my time going to religious schools and to church. I am actually a stro > >
Linda, 3-Feb-10 1:11 pm
the following message was for Tika 260 I didn't bother to respond to the other religious freaks who's nonsense I have no time for. However, your response was puzzling, hence I chose to answer you. I do believe that "the Haitian people have every rea > >
Linda, 3-Feb-10 3:25 pm
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