Earl Wheby Jr, Last time you told Haitians to "to consider...
Banjo says...
Earl Wheby Jr,
Last time you told Haitians to "to consider move now to Abaco island in the Bahamas" within 24HRS the Bahamas immigration police pick up divided many Haitians families and deported them back to Haiti.
What kinda President you gona be?
The topic is: Haiti ranks amongst the worst!
This is a reply to Msg 17116
Posted by Banjo on October 20 2009 at 9:28 AM
Messages in this topic
Earl Wheby Jr, Last time you told Haitians to “to consider move now to Abaco island in the Bahamas” within 24HRS the Bahamas immigration police pick up divided many Haitians families and deported them back to Haiti. What kinda President you gon > >
Banjo, 20-Oct-09 9:28 am
Well Miss Wherby, or whatever the f*(^ your name is, first of those kids who were killed by the guys were not Americans, as you claimed it to be, they were HAITIANS, born of Haitian parents-A-hole! You claimed them being A > >
Boje Lwijan, 20-Oct-09 11:09 am
As I understand it you are claiming there are Haitian professional football players who are millionaires and if so we need to get them involved in cleaning up the mess in Haiti > >
Earl Whby Jr, 20-Oct-09 12:37 pm
I am glad you brought this matter to my attention as we will deal with the authorities in the Bahamas when the time is right. Keep in mind my suggestions to Haitians are for Haitians not for the government of Bahamas. > >
Your Future President, 20-Oct-09 12:40 pm
I WAS NOT CLAIMING SH*^ A-ho&*. I did not mention anything about Haitian athlets in football, either. Is somebody having issues with reading comprehension here? For a man so analytical of Haiti, it's a shame not even able to > >
Boje Lwijan, 20-Oct-09 3:54 pm
Thank you for your support my son. Haiti will have football team in the future and be playing U.S. universities and brining in lots of cash for Haiti. > >
E. Wheby Jr, 20-Oct-09 4:17 pm
Are you serious? First of allyou need to know who made up that list because about three years ago we made the list of the happiest places to live so they need to come again. Imigartion affects many people and governments. It seems that you are advoca > >
Cleo, 20-Oct-09 8:56 pm
The facts that exist in Haiti today are a matter of record. Unemployement is over 70% there is high crime and kidnappings and these things have been reported on this website by Haitians who have recently visited the country. Then there are the stor > >
Earl Wheby Jr, 21-Oct-09 3:07 am
Let me guess,you had cooked up that story about a voodoo priest calling our troops back to Haiti while fighting in the prostitutes Dominicans, right? I am not surprise kuz I know a-holes of your type are capable of much worst'. F > >
Boje Lwijan, 21-Oct-09 9:22 am
My son I was not even born in 1915 when the U.S. invaded Haiti and the story is true that Haiti had a brilliant General who was leading Haitian defeat of Dominican Republic but that a Voodoo priest sent him a message he should return home at once and > >
Earl Wheby Jr, 21-Oct-09 9:56 am