That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. A criminal...

Mark says...

That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard.

A criminal is a criminal regardless who the crime is committed against.

The topic is: Haitian Mesac Damas wanted by police FL FBI
This is a reply to Msg 16881
Posted by Mark on September 21 2009 at 8:10 AM

Messages in this topic

I hope that as soon as he reach Haiti they lynch him, we do not need any more criminals running around. Where are the kidnappers when you need them. > >
Cleo, 21-Sep-09 3:33 am
That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. A criminal is a criminal regardless who the crime is committed against. > >
Mark, 21-Sep-09 8:10 am
Well he killed his HAITIAN wife, and his five HAITIAN children. Think you can drum up some sympathy in your cold, callous heart for them now? > >
Jp, 21-Sep-09 2:15 pm