you don't need to be so condescending.
Mark says...
So you've been around since 1957, Yet you haven't learned to respect other people's opinions.
It would appear that wisdom does not come with age. This is not the first, I've seen you post comments where in you tell people to shut up because you disagreed with their comments.
Where is the wisdom and respect in your message?
One of the side affect of being a poor country is that a lot of our people are uneducated and sometimes they say things they shouldn't say. But that doesn't give you the right to respond to their comments in such a contemptuous way. If someone is unaware of a paticular matter why not enlighten them, it's a lot more productive then insulting them.
The topic is: Preval est le plus INCOMPETENT des presidents haitiens
This is a reply to Msg 1670
Posted by Mark on March 15 2007 at 10:08 PM
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Comme tu l'as dit deja: quand on ne sait rien, on se taie. Certaines gens ne savent pas de quoi ou de qui ils parlent. Il semble qu'ils aimeraient poster un message sur l'internet sans meme penser aux consequences du message en question. Preval r
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Robert Magic, 15-Mar-07 10:35 am
Tu n'as rien dit de bon. Tu es nettement anime par l'esprit de critique et ta pensee peut detruire toute une nation. Aristide et Preval ont commence la democratie en Haiti. Je dirais que President Preval reste le plus democrate depuis des anne
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Robert Magic, 15-Mar-07 11:03 am
Comme tu l'as dit deja: quand on ne sait rien, on se taie. Certaines gens ne savent pas de quoi ou de qui ils parlent. Il semble qu'ils aimeraient poster un message sur l'internet sans meme penser aux consequences du message en question. Preval r
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Robert Magic, 15-Mar-07 11:45 am
La verite a toujours blesse et offense ceux-la qui ont des oreilles pour ne point entendre et des yeux pour ne point voir.J'ai beau essayer de ne pas repondre a votre commentaire mais je n'ai pas pu m'en empecher. Je regrette
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Frantz D Haiti, 15-Mar-07 4:45 pm
nous sommes tous haitians. Il ne faut pas faire utilisation des themes idiotiques pour faire les autres rester en silence. Today, I believe that all haitians must work together to educate other haitians. I think that's exactly what the president is
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Joseoph Nicolas, 15-Mar-07 6:32 pm
So you've been around since 1957, Yet you haven't learned to respect other people's opinions. It would appear that wisdom does not come with age. This is not the first, I've seen you post comments where in you tell people to shut up because you disag
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Mark, 15-Mar-07 10:08 pm
It's interesting how you praise Preval for being so democratic but you're not. I bet if you had your way you would silence everyone you disagreed with. Freedom of speech is a necessary pillar in a democratic society.
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Jim, 15-Mar-07 10:24 pm
Sorry Mark, mais je ne saurais accepter de telles insultes. Il me semble que j'ai affaire a des gens tres suceptibles. Depuis quand considerait-on le fait de dire a quelqu'un de se taire comme une insulte? J'ai bien expliquer au compatriote,
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Robert P. Toussaint, 16-Mar-07 3:58 am
The definition of wisdom is knowledge; it does mean somebody who is quiet, muet, or an individual who lets people step on his toes. You just have the wrong definition of wisdom and I would like you to reconsider your thought regarding the word. I
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Robert Magic, 16-Mar-07 11:07 am
Older brother Robert Magic restrain yoursefl a little brother.Wisdom can be difine in many way as you explain so listen to yourself. I will never tell you to stop talking but help inform those that doesn't get it don't push them away.
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Jean Batiste, 16-Mar-07 11:51 am
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