Wilson Jerome, Well Mr. Jerome thank you for showing me the...

Tiba says...

Wilson Jerome,

Well Mr. Jerome thank you for showing me the light.

You said "La defense est un droit sacre" - Do we have that right?

Frankly, I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you saying "deception, deceiving others" is your sacred right?

Are you kidding me?

Well, Mr. Jerome, I am getting sick and tired of members on this blog who keep using my identity, the identity of others, and members who keep using multiple identities to hide themselves and post messages under false indentities just because they are too weak and too pathetic to use their own personal indentities.

That, my friend, is deception.

Mr. Jerome, how do you exaplain why INS keeps squeezing criteria on Haitians who are trying to get visas to enter US or trying to bring families to US?

Yes, I know INS treats Haitians differently from the rest of all other nationalities coming to US, but more so on Haitians because, according to INS, Haitians are too deceptive.

They pretend to be someone that they are not.

Mr. Jerome, believe you me, I was infuriated and mad like a dog when I heard that declaration coming from INS during an interview with a reporter.

I was doing immigration work at the time through an agency that was serving Haitian, African, and Mexican refugees, here in upstate New York.

Sometimes, it is extremely hurtful, humiliating, and insulting to be told something that we are not ready and willing to hear, but that doesn't mean there is no truth to it.

Here you are accusing me of ignorance and Haitian hater and wishing that I could have the courage and wisdom to take an informative trip to Haiti to inform myself about the good people who are the Haitians.

What is it with you people?

Where do you get this arrogance from to think that you are the only ones who know everything about Haiti, who know Haiti better than anyone else, and that you are the ones who love Haiti, loyal to Haiti, and are the only great Haitian patriots?

Don't you people think it is now time to take that stinken arraogance of yours and stick it where, you know what?

Mr. Jerome, understand this and listen very closely to what I am about to say. For your information, I was born in and grew up in Haiti.

I moved to the US as an adult.

I still have close families/relatives in Haiti that I am taking care of. I often travel to Haiti and my last trip to Haiti, this year, was last April.

Furthermore, I am very much involved in Haiti, doing things that are making big changes in the lives of those in my hometown in term of health care, education, and economic development.

I wish that I could do the same for the entire country but I can't.

Please understand that I am not saying all this in order to brag and looking to get a cookie or a pat on the back from anyone, but it is necessary that you people know that there are some Haitian natives who still go back home trying to make a difference despite all the effort being made by many of you to keep us (the diaspora) out.

Many people in my hometown that I grew up with would come to me and ask me to use some kind of illegal means to bring them to the US by making it seem like they are either my sisters/brothers/wives, etc...

It is your right not to acknowledge it, but this is a wide spread practice going on in Haiti.

INS become aware of the practice and this is why INS is making Haitian life a nighmare before they either enter US or bring reltives to US.

Mr. Jerome, I remember when I used to accompany some of my Haitians clients to the immigration court for hearings.

Every single one of them would want me to give fabricated stories to the judge claiming since I am Haitian, I know how things are and therefore they counted on me to lie for them so they can get their papers.

When I go to Haiti, those same very people who are my relatives that I am taking care of, whould take advantage of me. For example, if I want to buy something that costs $10, they told me it costs $15, they make a $5 profit out of me. And I am not the only one experiencing this with families.

Mr. Jerome, all that is called deception.

I don't condomn it nor that I am promoting it either because I know everybody has to do what is needed in order to get what they want/need in this life, it is surving, but at the same time I cannot pretend it's not there and it's not something that we, Haitians, widely practice in our culture.

Let it be known to ALL that I am off this blog indefinitly for there are too many crying babies, whiners on here.

It was nice KNOWING YOU ALL!

The topic is: Protection contre le chomage
This is a reply to Msg 16567
Posted by Tiba on August 20 2009 at 8:46 AM

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Alors Yolande ma belle......Dis moi bien qu'est ce que tu voulais dire? > >
Latousen, 18-Aug-09 12:11 am
Gerabougui You want to create a new welfare program in Haiti by giving monthly check to all unemployed Haitins in Haiti, and you want those in the diaspora to help you make this a reality in exchange to dual nationality, am I right? It's like "s > >
Tiba, 18-Aug-09 6:57 am
TIBA WROTE "Note: The tone of this message reflects the opinion of a foreigner because that is the category the diaspora has been classified as by Haitians citizens and their government as justification to keep the diaspora from taking any part in H > >
Gerabougui, 18-Aug-09 5:21 pm
Tiba I just so you know I suspect Gerabougui and latoussen might be the same person. I have a very strong feeling about that. > >
Zac, 19-Aug-09 2:59 am
Zac I suspect that too and he won't be the only one either using so many faces and wearing so many masks. Deception has always been another trait charateristic of Haitians, they can be very deceiving. > >
Tiba, 19-Aug-09 4:32 pm
Absolutely not! I am Gera Bougui. I am the author fo Independance 2011, check Barnes and Noble. I live in Boston, Masschusetts, and I am not relaetd nor associated with latoussen. I hope that clarifies the situation. > >
Gera Bougui, 19-Aug-09 6:55 pm
Je pense qu’une politique de protection contre le chomage commence d’abord avec la relance et le renforcement de la production nationale; et bien sur le dechoquage de tous ceux qui sont actifs dans des ouvrages contraire a la production... > >
Wilson Jerome, 19-Aug-09 7:21 pm
Tiba, let me respectfully and humbly defend my fellow Haitians. I am offended when you say that (I quote you): “Deception has always been another trait charateristic of Haitians, they can be very deceiving.” “La defense est un droit sacre... > >
Wilson Jerome, 19-Aug-09 8:18 pm
Wilson It's been a while since I read a civilized post on that blog. I would like to recommend that you either read in English (Barnes and Noble) or listen en Creole(cdbaby) to "Independance 2011", my book. My comments must be placed in a more su > >
Gera Bougui, 19-Aug-09 8:29 pm
Wilson Jerome, Well Mr. Jerome thank you for showing me the light. You said “La defense est un droit sacre” - Do we have that right? Frankly, I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you saying "deception, deceiving others" is you > >
Tiba, 20-Aug-09 8:46 am
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