Gerabougui You want to create a new welfare program in Haiti...

Tiba says...


You want to create a new welfare program in Haiti by giving monthly check to all unemployed Haitins in Haiti, and you want those in the diaspora to help you make this a reality in exchange to dual nationality, am I right?

It's like "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" am I correct?

How ironic and flawed that is! there are lots of employees in Haiti who have been busting their back working every single day and cannot get paid for months and you want to give a check every month to those who don't work?

Someone just called me the other day asking me to send her some money so she can eat because she has not been paid for 8 months now.

And why should those Haitians who are naturalized get involved in the internal affairs of your country.

Is it because it's getting too much for you people to handle.

This shouldn't be the diaspora's problem.

You, and many others like yourself who are so engulfed with hate, resentment, jealousy, and disdain for Haitians who are naturalized, said on this blog that you did not need these naturalized traitors who turn their backs on Haiti for anything, and that you can do without them just fine, remember that?

Bouguin, last time I checked Haiti was a welfare state that was being supported and taking care of by the diaspora for decades, and everyone knows without the diaspora Haiti would have been sinked down the bottom of the ocean floor with everyone in it a longtime ago.

Bouguin, you and your fellow countrymen have elected a government in 2006 to protect and serve and create opportunities for the Haitian, your people, why am I being the one as a foreigner taking care of them?

If your government is fulfilling his obligation toward the people why do you get rid of them?

Beside fulfilling my own obligations here in the states, I found myself fulfilling other obligations in Haiti too. I have to pay rent, school tuition for relatives in Haiti.

If I don't send money they don't eat. If I don't send clothes and shoes they would go naked and they have the nerves to demand that I buy them the most expensive sneakers and jeans, the latest brands of CD players, etc. etc...

while I get my sneakers from Wal-Mart or K-Mart.

I have to send money so they can buy a bed to sleep in and not even a good one. I could go on and on....

Now you might say, well, these are my relatives, true! but should they and their own families be my responsibilities to care for?

I don't think so! they should be your responsibility as Haitian citizens and your government's.

Here in the state, no one is responsible to taking care of relatives, why?

Because the government and the people provide opportunities to ALL by creating jobs so everyone can take care of themselves.

Why can your people and your government do the same and take that monkey (responsibility) off the back of the diaspora?

I don't think the Haitian diaspora should get involved in this issue.

It is time that Haitian citizens and their government stop pimping the diaspora out. The diaspora is tired of being used by Haitian citizens and their government for their own personal interests.

Note: The tone of this message reflects the opinion of a foreigner because that is the category the diaspora has been classified as by Haitians citizens and their government as justification to keep the diaspora from taking any part in Haiti's internal affairs.

So please, understand that I did not start any of this crap. It is the making of Haitians citizens who believe to love Haiti with every fiber of their soul and are the most patriotic than Dessalines and Toussaint Louverture, and those who are naturalized are a bunch of traitors, no good bastards and therefore need to stay away.

The topic is: Protection contre le chomage
This is a reply to Msg 16534
Posted by Tiba on August 18 2009 at 6:57 AM

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Alors Yolande ma belle......Dis moi bien qu'est ce que tu voulais dire? > >
Latousen, 18-Aug-09 12:11 am
Gerabougui You want to create a new welfare program in Haiti by giving monthly check to all unemployed Haitins in Haiti, and you want those in the diaspora to help you make this a reality in exchange to dual nationality, am I right? It's like "s > >
Tiba, 18-Aug-09 6:57 am
TIBA WROTE "Note: The tone of this message reflects the opinion of a foreigner because that is the category the diaspora has been classified as by Haitians citizens and their government as justification to keep the diaspora from taking any part in H > >
Gerabougui, 18-Aug-09 5:21 pm
Tiba I just so you know I suspect Gerabougui and latoussen might be the same person. I have a very strong feeling about that. > >
Zac, 19-Aug-09 2:59 am
Zac I suspect that too and he won't be the only one either using so many faces and wearing so many masks. Deception has always been another trait charateristic of Haitians, they can be very deceiving. > >
Tiba, 19-Aug-09 4:32 pm
Absolutely not! I am Gera Bougui. I am the author fo Independance 2011, check Barnes and Noble. I live in Boston, Masschusetts, and I am not relaetd nor associated with latoussen. I hope that clarifies the situation. > >
Gera Bougui, 19-Aug-09 6:55 pm
Je pense qu’une politique de protection contre le chomage commence d’abord avec la relance et le renforcement de la production nationale; et bien sur le dechoquage de tous ceux qui sont actifs dans des ouvrages contraire a la production... > >
Wilson Jerome, 19-Aug-09 7:21 pm
Tiba, let me respectfully and humbly defend my fellow Haitians. I am offended when you say that (I quote you): “Deception has always been another trait charateristic of Haitians, they can be very deceiving.” “La defense est un droit sacre... > >
Wilson Jerome, 19-Aug-09 8:18 pm
Wilson It's been a while since I read a civilized post on that blog. I would like to recommend that you either read in English (Barnes and Noble) or listen en Creole(cdbaby) to "Independance 2011", my book. My comments must be placed in a more su > >
Gera Bougui, 19-Aug-09 8:29 pm
Wilson Jerome, Well Mr. Jerome thank you for showing me the light. You said “La defense est un droit sacre” - Do we have that right? Frankly, I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you saying "deception, deceiving others" is you > >
Tiba, 20-Aug-09 8:46 am
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