Protection contre le chomage
Gerabougui says...
Protection contre le chomage et la declaration universelle des droits de l'homme
Le salaire minimum est un faux debat
Une allocation mensuelle aux chomeurs est la vraie solution.
L'article 23 de la declaration universelle des droits de l'homme recommende une protection contre le chomage au pays y adherant.
Une nouvelle taxe imposee proportionellement a l'envergure des entreprises permettrait de financer les fonds de protection contre le chomage.
Ainsi une competition se serait etablie de facon automatique entre le salaire minimium and cette allocation mensuelle.
Voila l'une des initiatives que la diaspora Haitienne devrait supporter et implementer afin de meriter les recentes demande d'amendement de la constitution Haitienne a des fins d'integration des Haitiens dotes de double nationalite.
Posted by Gerabougui on August 17 2009 at 8:32 PM
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Ce sa haitien fe pi bien pale francais mande fait discusion conjuger verbes demander et recevoir.quand le malheur arive. Allo diaspora nous avons besion de votre aide, en realitee la diaspora n'a aucun droit dans le pays.Nous travallions tres dur
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Yolette, 17-Aug-09 9:50 pm
Alors Yolande ma belle......Dis moi bien qu'est ce que tu voulais dire?
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Latousen, 18-Aug-09 12:11 am
Gerabougui You want to create a new welfare program in Haiti by giving monthly check to all unemployed Haitins in Haiti, and you want those in the diaspora to help you make this a reality in exchange to dual nationality, am I right? It's like "s
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Tiba, 18-Aug-09 6:57 am
TIBA WROTE "Note: The tone of this message reflects the opinion of a foreigner because that is the category the diaspora has been classified as by Haitians citizens and their government as justification to keep the diaspora from taking any part in H
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Gerabougui, 18-Aug-09 5:21 pm
Tiba I just so you know I suspect Gerabougui and latoussen might be the same person. I have a very strong feeling about that.
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Zac, 19-Aug-09 2:59 am
Zac I suspect that too and he won't be the only one either using so many faces and wearing so many masks. Deception has always been another trait charateristic of Haitians, they can be very deceiving.
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Tiba, 19-Aug-09 4:32 pm
Absolutely not! I am Gera Bougui. I am the author fo Independance 2011, check Barnes and Noble. I live in Boston, Masschusetts, and I am not relaetd nor associated with latoussen. I hope that clarifies the situation.
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Gera Bougui, 19-Aug-09 6:55 pm
Je pense qu’une politique de protection contre le chomage commence d’abord avec la relance et le renforcement de la production nationale; et bien sur le dechoquage de tous ceux qui sont actifs dans des ouvrages contraire a la production...
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Wilson Jerome, 19-Aug-09 7:21 pm
Tiba, let me respectfully and humbly defend my fellow Haitians. I am offended when you say that (I quote you): “Deception has always been another trait charateristic of Haitians, they can be very deceiving.” “La defense est un droit sacre...
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Wilson Jerome, 19-Aug-09 8:18 pm
Wilson It's been a while since I read a civilized post on that blog. I would like to recommend that you either read in English (Barnes and Noble) or listen en Creole(cdbaby) to "Independance 2011", my book. My comments must be placed in a more su
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Gera Bougui, 19-Aug-09 8:29 pm
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